Sexual Inversion: identifying HSTS

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Originally posted 2020-11-02 15:40:45.

Identifying – or self-identifying – a genuinely pre-transsexual HSTS is relatively straightforward. But before we get to the symptoms, let’s look at the cause of all this. It is called Sexual Inversion. There are four basic parameters to consider in diagnosing this: Sex, Sexuality, Gender and Gender Dysphoria.

Sex, of course, is the product of our chromosomes; everyone is either male (XY) or female (XX), apart from a small number who have chromosomal variations, who are usually called ‘intersex’ – but here too, their condition is defined by their chromosomes. Sex can never be changed.

Sexuality describes our basic sexual impulse. We either have male sexuality or female sexuality. Male is sometimes called Active and is the desire to penetrate and female is Passive or the desire to be penetrated. In most people these are aligned but in a small percentage of individuals this is not so. This results in males with female sexuality and females with male sexuality. This is Congenital Sexual Inversion. This is a physiological condition and so forms an aetiology or scale of variation.

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Gender is different from sex. It evolved principally as a mating and reproductive strategy. Human females use it to signal availability to males and males to signal suitability to females. That is because, in humans, females choose their mates and are the gatekeepers to sex. Essentially, they set up the market and attract the buyers, but they get to choose whom to partner with.

While gender has other facets, its main purpose is to advertise our sexuality. So people with male sexuality should have masculine gender and people with female sexuality should have feminine gender. But because humans stand up and so females conceal them, determining if a woman is receptive is not simply a matter of noting excitation of her vulva. In addition, human females have ‘Extended Sexuality’ which means they are potentially sexually receptive at all stages of their cycles, even when they can’t get pregnant.

However, ‘potentially receptive’ is not the same as ‘ready to have sex with a particular partner’, so a whole raft of behaviours have evolved , both physical and behavioural to indicate this. Over thousands of generations, these indicators have been solidified, through an evolutionary process called ‘Sexual Selection’ into what we call what we call ‘gender’. This is two sets of physical, behavioural and psychological characteristics that allow others to determine our sexuality and our sexual availability. Note that because Sexuality is innate, so is Gender and also that both are binaries.

How does Congenital Sexual Inversion work?

In the late 19th century a number of researchers, including Magnus Hirschfeld, identified ‘Congenital Sexual Inversion’. This concept was developed at length by the English writer Henry Havelock Ellis. Sigmund Freud also agreed with this, though with some reservations. But nobody knew why this was happening.

Another, Karl Heinrich Ulrichs (1825-1895) defined Sexual Inversion thus:

The truth of the invert was inside rather than on the surface; thus a male invert was “really” a woman, and should be allowed to express a female gender, and a female invert was “really” a man, and should be allowed to dress and live as one. Inversion also referred to the ways in which such bodies inverted the laws of nature, which supposedly decreed that male bodies should desire female sexual partners instead of male ones, and vice versa. The theory of sexual inversion maintained conventional categories of sexuality and gender and did not allow one to be divided from the other. Inversion meant that a man’s homosexual desires, effeminacy, or both did not challenge masculine gender or heterosexual sexual norms; rather, a perfectly normal heterosexual woman with a feminine gender was trapped inside him, yearning to come out.

I have not seen a better encapsulation of the idea of Sexual Inversion than that, and it is just as relevant today as it ever was.

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Paradoxically, just as the term Sexual Inversion was becoming unfashionable politically, research began to provide the first solid evidence of a physical cause for it and by inference, that it was an established phenomenon.

During the intrauterine period the fetal brain develops in the male direction through a direct action of testosterone on the developing nerve cells, or in the female direction through the absence of this hormone surge. In this way, our gender identity (the conviction of belonging to the male or female gender) and sexual orientation are programmed into our brain structures when we are still in the womb. However, since sexual differentiation of the genitals takes place in the first two months of pregnancy and sexual differentiation of the brain starts in the second half of pregnancy, these two processes can be influenced independently, which may result in transsexuality. This also means that in the event of ambiguous sex at birth, the degree of masculinization of the genitals may not reflect the degree of masculinization of the brain. There is no proof that social environment after birth has an effect on gender identity orsexual orientation. (My emphases)

Swaab, D. F., & Garcia-Falgueras, A. (2009). Sexual differentiation of the human brain in relation to gender identity and sexual orientation. Functional Neurology, 24(1), 17–28

This is today the scientific consensus. Although Swaab et al use slightly different terminology, their sense is the same: Sexuality, Sexual Inversion and Gender itself are innate; they are not learned behaviours. They are established prior to birth. Since then, numerous other studies have been carried out, which support the same basic premise. See

Gender Dysphoria

Gender Dysphoria is the feeling of unease an individual experiences when their gender does not match their sense of self. There may be many reasons for this, but they mostly devolve to social intolerance, since in the absence of this, Inverts will just grow up to be the gender their sexuality defines; and this can be confirmed at any time, anywhere in Southeast Asia, South America or elsewhere, where Sexual Inverts do exactly that and nobody cares. So Gender Dysphoria is actually a culturally-stimulated response which seems particularly strong in (one might argue is unique to) Anglo-Saxon/northern European cultures, because only those cultures exhibit the levels of intolerance required to provoke it.

For example, a boy may elect to live as a ‘gay man’ because the society around him is transphobic and he may fear being ostracised, beaten or even killed. Manifestly, this is so in the West. In this case he is likely to experience Homosexual Gender Dysphoria. (There are other forms of Gender Dysphoria which we will discuss elsewhere.)

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Because Sexuality and Gender are both innate and closely related, the latter being a function of the former, we should expect children who have Congenital Sexual Inversion to exhibit a developmental aetiology consistent with that of the opposite sex, at around the same ages. This is what we do see.

Behaviour in Sexual Inversion

Sexually Inverted children will begin displaying what is called ‘Gender Non Conforming’ behaviour starting as early as 30 months. This is actually ‘Sex Non-Conforming’ behaviour, since is it is completely in line with their developing sexuality and gender, indeed is an expression of them, but does not conform to conventional expectations of their sex. The form ‘gender non conforming’ has been used wrongly, often by political activists who are opposed to any expression of gender and desire to suppress it,  so I use the term Sex Non Conforming or SNC. These children do not grow up in the manner that would normally be expected of their sex.

The indicators might be a preference for opposite-sex toys and clothing, hair, roles in play, names and so on. In many cases these effects fade in time as Sexuality crystallises, but in the genuine Sexual Invert the opposite will happen. They will become ‘persistent, insistent and consistent’ and at the same time, more widespread, encompassing more and more aspects of the individual’s life — just as they do with cis-children; it is merely that they are inverted from expectations based on sex.

Children in the early stages of development understand that they get pleasant feelings from their genitalia, but they are not eroticised, that is, they do not connect these feelings to relations with another person, or with forming pair-bonds. They are not even autoerotic, since they see the pleasure of manipulating their genitals as no different from sucking a thumb. They know they have genitalia and that they are pleasantly sensitive, that is all.

As the child develops, typically he or she will develop ‘crushes’. These are romantic, rather than sexualised attachments to members of the eventual target sex. These  can be strong. Girls, typically, will crush – often heavily – on older men and boys will crush on girls. Sexual Inverts follow the pattern typical of the opposite sex, so male ones will crush on men, too.

Role identification

If male, the child may identify strongly with, rather than crush on, strong feminine role models, like Wonder Woman (a classic, reported by many,) Buffy in Buffy the Vampire Slayer,  Bella Swan in Twilight or Hermione Grainger in the Harry Potter series. Typical behaviours will include wishing to look like these heroines, to talk as they do and so on, even to adopt their names. Many report having engineered games played with boys such that they played the female lead. Compare this with normative boy behaviours, where the identification will always be with classic masculine heroes.

As development progresses, the romantic crushes and the pleasurable feelings from the genitalia become linked and the child might begin sharing such experiences with other children of the same sex, depending on the culture. This is exploratory and their desire will increasingly be to experience their sexual feelings with someone who conforms to their crush target, now established as their mental image of the ‘ideal partner’.  This mental model is projected out into the world and they begin to seek partners who match it, just as we all did.

By Tanner Stage 4 this association will be firmly established. At this point, the child becomes eroticised, that is, the yearning feelings for emotional attachment become permanently linked to the pursuit of sexual reward with a specific erotic target type. In male Inverts, it goes without saying that this target type will be a masculine, straight man.

(Note: at this point, which is crucial, a misdirection may occur in which the crush target, instead of being projected outside into the world, remains internalised and the person becomes their own sexual target. This may give rise to several conditions, including Autogynephilia, which we discuss in other articles.)

This process, as described above, explains why observers like Freud thought that we were all bisexual; that is not really the case, it’s just that sexuality had not fully crystallised and was still in the experimental phase.

Once the gender-conforming crush targets do become available, typically the young cis person will abandon or even reject any further sexual play with members of his or her own sex. Notice that in male Inverts, this would mean a cessation of any sexual experimentation with girls; however,  they rarely admit to such experiments with cis-girls and instead appear to focus, from a very early age, on assisting boys in their own sexual explorations. These might be restricted to manual manipulation or fellatio (of the boy) but do often include recipient anal sex — again, never penetrative. Our understanding is that their efforts in this regard were much appreciated!

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So, if we take the case of a classic male Sexual Invert, sometimes called a ‘transkid’ or a pre-transsexual child, there are a number of diagnostic phenomena which appear over a period, from around 30 months to about 12 or 13 years. These will be predictable and consistent. They will include toy and clothing preferences, hair length preference, name preference, game and social role preferences.

Erotocism and puberty

As puberty approaches, these will not diminish, rather the inverse and by Tanner Stage 2, usually 11-13 years in males, they will be added to by an increasingly intense erotic desire for the target sex and, crucially, a desire to play the gender-appropriate (not sex-appropriate) role with that target. So Sexually Inverted boys will not only seek masculine male partners, but they will also seek to be women to them, both socially and sexually. They want to be the girlfriend. This is why few HSTS are prepared to ‘switch’ in romantic relationships. They get no sexual or romantic affirmation from playing the male (in this case) role with a man, in fact the opposite;  but they may still do it for money.


It follows that in the age-range 11 to 13, young males and their carers must make a decision. That is because the physical changes brought about by testosterone delivery in puberty are NOT reversible, at least without major surgery. These will include: development of male musculature and skeleton; body and facial hair; deepening of voice; development of brow ridge and adam’s apple; tallness and so on.

Since the object of intervention with HRT in a male Sexual Invert is not to produce an identifiable ‘trans woman’ but a fully passable woman, it must begin in that critical 11-13 age range. This intervention should include both anti-androgens and oestrogen. The object should be to replicate the hormonal levels found in a normal cis-girl of the same age as closely as possible. Delaying puberty  is not a desired result per se; undergoing the gender-appropriate (not sex-appropriate,)  puberty is.

Far too much attention is focussed, time wasted and harm done, by the bogus idea of ‘wait and see’; some, apparently qualified, quacks are still suggesting that assistance through HRT should be denied to male Inverts till age 23 or so. This is a cruel and abusive approach, especially in the light of the fact that any changes effected by HRT can easily be undone, in born males.

On the other hand, denying appropriate therapy is literally to condemn them to years of painful and expensive surgery to undo changes that would never have occurred, had the proper treatment been given. It is hard not to suspect an ulterior motive, that these individuals are just trying to delay MtF transition until it is too late for the subject to pass, in the hope of forcing her to live as a ‘gay man’.

The fact is that any male child who has followed the developmental path outlined above is almost certain to be Sexually Inverted and the responsibility of those around her (if born male) is to assist her to complete the process of growing up to be a woman. Beginning HRT in the range 11-13 is a fully reversible way to achieve this.

(This may be a little at odds with the current WPATH guidelines, but these appear to be politically, rather than scientifically, correct in this regard.)

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The changes effected by feminising HRT, in males, are FULLY reversible, just with the male body’s own testosterone. Stop the HRT, and normal male puberty will progress. Therefore the risk, in beginning HRT early, is minimal. Unfortunately, groups under the umbrella of ‘Gender Critical’ who oppose any transition,  exaggerate this. It is important to realise that a young male, who satisfies the conditions above, will NEVER be a conventional hetero-normative, heterosexual man. He will either live as a ‘gay man’ or be a woman. Clearly, it is better for such individuals to realise themselves and be the women they are.


For parents and carers, understanding the importance of early HRT intervention, for male Inverts, is important because there remain serious obstacles, in the West. The first is a hangover attitude that proceeds from the pernicious, but often unstated assumption, that ‘gay is always better’. So, affirming a boy’s femininity becomes ‘cementing in unwanted behaviours’. Unwanted by whom? Unless your intent were to prevent transition and steer boys towards the gay meat market, why would confirming their status as girls — which is what they actually are — be ‘unwanted?’ Unfortunately, this attitude remains all too commonplace.

In fact, there is a persuasive argument that Sexually Inverted boys who grow up as ‘gay men’ are actually transitioning, while those who grow up as women are simply following the appropriate path for their sexuality, and should therefore get the assistance they need to do so, when they need it.

The next issue is that many professionals in this area are woefully ignorant of the subject they claim to be expert in. Frequently they do not understand the difference between HSTS (transitioned Congenital Sexual Inverts) and Autogynephilia (a paraphilic condition of heterosexual men.) As a result their advice is at best misleading. Very few understand that a pre-transsexual boy, our male Sexual Invert, who presents as a ‘gay man’ is actually cross-dressing, living a lie and likely to suffer Gender Dysphoria because of it. Nor do they, unfortunately, understand the true nature of the ‘gay’ lifestyle; or at least, one hopes they would be less keen to propel anyone towards it if they did.

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Gender Care

Another obstacle, in this case structural, is that in many countries the provision of gender care is minimal, though in others, like the USA, it is much better. In many countries there is simply no control over the supply of feminising hormones at all, and in some ways this appears to be a better solution than having to rely on ill-informed, gatekeeping health systems.

In the UK, for example, there is only one non-private clinic, the Portman Institute (formerly the Portman and Tavistock) and waiting times for a FIRST appointment there can be as long as three years. At the same time, even the minimal protections that trans people have, in UK, are under attack from ‘Gendercrits’ and TERFs. As a result, we can look forward to no improvement.

This means that the affected individuals and their carers must educate themselves and be prepared to take action to help themselves. Where difficulties sourcing appropriate HRT are encountered, self-medication becomes a necessity. This may be undesirable but it is forced by the behaviour of certain political activists.

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2 Replies to “Sexual Inversion: identifying HSTS”

    1. H Donna no but I am very familiar with the Littman paper upon which it is based. There is no doubt that ROGD (so called) is not a true Gender Dysphoria and is instead a social contagion, similar to others frequent in this demographic. What nobody — and I have not read the book — seems to want to address is the fact that this is the DIRECT result of radical feminism. Female humans are evolved to begin having babies in their teenage and really, by around 14 are ready to do so. Yet the AVERAGE age of prima gravidas is now over 30. That is because feminism regards motherhood as degrading to women. There’s no way round it: we force young females to avoid having children ie doing what they are evolved to do, and to enter the workplace as men instead. Are we surprised that they get the crazy idea that they should turn themselves into men entirely? This is an absolute scandal and the cause is feminism. We will not be able to deal with ROGD or the next mass hysteria, whatever that might be, until we address and eradicate the root cause. There is ZERO evidence of ROGD in southeast Asia, indeed anywhere outside the West. Why? Because women here know that their primary function is to be mothers to families of their own children. This is one of the main reasons I consider modern US culture to be toxic and something to quarantine.

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