Women: Adults of feminine gender.

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Originally posted 2021-04-09 18:39:42.

I’ve been running a feature on my You Tube Community page called Women: Adults of feminine gender.. Which is of course true but the twist is that all the women I feature have XY chromosomes. I thought I’d feature some of them here since not everyone goes on my YT channel (the link is above in the menu bar.)

I defy anyone to look at these beautiful women and say that they are anything else. They’re women. They look like women, they act like women. And they are more beautiful and more feminine, with a better attitude than most Western women today. It’s nice to know that there are still real women out there, those who love men and know that they are intrinsically different from them.

This series was prompted by the rise of Treans-Exclusionary Feminist (TERF)/Gender Critical (GC) intolerance and bigotry in the UK. I’d like to know how anyone could possibly be better off living as a fucked-up, miserable gay, suffering emotional, sexual and physical abuse, when they could be happy, fulfilled women like those I’ll feature here. Someone out there is lying and it ain’t me.

The Youtube Page is dormant because I have had too many other things to attend to, but I will keep this one going, so bookmark the Category and the site. My focus is moving away from explaining the science of transgender, which I have covered in depth, to appreciating the beauty and grace of these amazing women. Most of the women I’ll feature will be from Asia but I will include girls from South America and southern Europe, where there are many.

As ever, if anyone who has a personal claim on the pictures I use wants me to remove them, I will do. Please contact me via email at rodafleming@gmail.com or via the Contact Form at the bottom of the page.

Remember, women are adults of feminine gender.



books by rod fleming

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books by rod fleming

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