Qandeel Baloch: killed by Islam.

Originally posted 2016-07-17 12:37:38.

A prominent Pakistani Facebook personality, Qandeel Baloch, has been brutally murdered by her own brother, in an ‘honour killing’. She was 26. To be an independent woman in an Islamic place is to invite your own close relatives to kill you.

Not only was Qandeel killed by her own brother, her parents, who were present, did nothing to stop him. They have been arrested.

Horrifying as Qandeel’s killing is, such murders are commonplace in the failed state of Pakistan. And why is Pakistan a failed state? Because Islam.

Nobody should be under any illusions now: we are at war already.

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Something Greater

Originally posted 2013-12-11 23:59:41.

I am part of something greater, in a very real and immediate sense. It’s not so much a question of believing but of accepting the evidence in front of me. I am part of the Earth. The Earth is not just a core of molten iron covered in a crust of rock and water, with an outer gaseous atmosphere, though it is these things. It is a living system, an entity. And I am—we are all—part of that entity.

Consider what you are: you are composed of billions of individual living things called cells.

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Restroom rights again


Originally posted 2016-04-23 11:05:32.

The issue of ‘transgender’ access to female-specific spaces continues to boil up. So let’s look again at what is being said and why it is a problem.

While women-only toilets, restrooms and other spaces have come to be seen as a place of refuge, safe havens for women.

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Meghan Markle — has she been outflanked?


Originally posted 2021-04-25 15:05:10.

Last week the Daily Express in the UK carried a fascinating piece by Kate Harris, discussing an apparent make-up between Princes William and Harry. The brothers had been feuding for over two years.

The Princes were previously close, with William always acting as a protective big brother to Harry. If they have ‘buried the hatchet’ as Harris suggests, then that can only be good. But what about Harry’s wife, Meghan Markle?

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Bonobos: our pansexual cousins

Originally posted 2015-10-06 11:30:05.

I’ve spent a lot of time looking at how societies might have been structured before the development of agriculture.  Clearly, we can’t directly study the human groups that existed outside Africa between 50,000 and 10,000 years ago, because they no longer exist. So I  also looked at relatives of humans, particularly our closest, bonobos, Pan paniscus.

Our ancestors left very little evidence. Although they did use stone and bone, a great deal of their artefacts were made of wood or leather and were perishable. The few that we do have are somewhat mysterious.

To try to shed light on this, we reviewed a wide range of anthropological literature. We especially concentrated on extant traditional societies, of which there are a surprising number, despite the attempts by religious fundamentalists, especially the Christian and Muslim ones, to eradicate them. (As a matter of fact, Islam has been less damaging to many traditional societies than Christianity, as we see from the number of traditional groups still living, and respected, in Indonesia.)

We reviewed the mythology that was recorded soon after the invention of writing, in Sumer in the 5th Millennium BCE. We then compared this to modern mythologies which form part of traditional cultures. We also looked at similar species, and that’s where bonobos came in.


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Angel: Women in the Philippines

Angel in the Philippines

Originally posted 2022-04-08 11:15:29.

I remember Angel well. I was walking along a backstreet in Cubao on my way to the Baliwag Transport depot. As I approach it I hear the familiar call: ‘Hey Joe!’

Usually I just wave my hand and smile but this time it’s a girl standing in a doorway across the street. She’s pretty, fake blonde, so I cross over. The reaction of teenage Filipinas to an approaching foreigner — even one they have just saluted — is too delicious to miss and, as predicted, the girl collapses into hysterical giggles.


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The Goddess in The Philippines


Originally posted 2014-03-10 13:59:50.

The Goddess is a big deal in the Philippines and goddesses are out in strength there this week. The occasion is the closing rounds of the Universities Athletic Association of the Philippines (UAAP) women’s volleyball tournament, held at Smart Araneta Coliseum in Quezon City. Teams with names like De La Salle Lady Spikers and Ateneo de Manila Lady Eagles, the Tigresses, the Lady Warriors and the Lady Bulldogs battle it out in front of huge, enthusiastic and thoroughly partisan crowds. And these girls aren’t kidding; this is serious stuff.

 The audience is mainly young – but everywhere in the Phils is mainly young. That’s only to be expected in a country where the population has increased by a factor of ten in fifty years. And there are as many men here as women. Filipinos are as passionate about volleyball as Scots are about football.

 This is hard sport, and women are seen as true warriors.

books by rod fleming

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Civilisation: A manifesto for its rescue, before it’s too late.


Originally posted 2020-10-19 17:15:20.

In order to rescue civilisation we must act quickly. The following sets out a viable manifesto.

  • Men and women are different.  This is innate, not the product of ‘socialisation’.

  • Men are risk-taking and women are risk-avoidant.

  • This is an evolved adaptation linked to the two-group tribal structure in which women and children are protected by shielding them from risk, while men are expendable. This structure gives rise to ‘female privilege’ in which women are deferred to by men and there is a taboo against violence towards them.

  • It is generally the case that the two-group structure is present in all non-urbanised cultures (ie, those which do not build cities and have a low level of technological development, though they might be extremely sophisticated in other ways).



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Feminism: a toxic social neurosis

Originally posted 2022-03-25 08:21:47.


Feminism and therapy are both implicated in the rise of Female to Masculine adolescent transition, but feminism’s influence is foundational.

There would be no need for therapy, if people were not asking for it, after all. Why are young females in particular asking? Feminism has told them a bundle of lies and half-truths and they have been taken in.

The celebration of femininity has not yet been ‘killed dead’ but many expressions have been erased; witness the fate of the Grid Girls or Victoria’s Secret’s cynical move to promote its woke credentials. Across the art world, the depiction of female beauty, especially nude, is now effectively banned (I’m a certificated art teacher, so I am expert in this.) These are just a few examples that illustrate the war being waged on femininity, by feminists.

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Feminism is a Lie: it’s the Gynocracy again

Originally posted 2020-10-01 19:57:45.

Feminism has always been a lie.

Feminism is a deception perpetrated on women, in order to make them the front-line troops in a Communist Revolution. If you don’t believe me, read Gloria Steinem: ‘the only thing Marx got wrong is that the means ARE the end’.

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The sex-doll issue, which was bubbling in the news-feeds as feminists set it up for attack — until COVID-19 stole the show — is illustrative of how they use sex to exercise power over men. No women are harmed in a sexual exchange between a man and a piece of plastic, yet somehow it is still ‘demeaning to women’ for this to happen. How is that even possible? It’s a SEX TOY.

(I wonder, with my tongue a little in my cheek, if the same rules would apply to dildos, rabbits and vibrators, as are popular with the darling feminists themselves? Or is this just another double standard? Silly me, of course it is. These are WOMEN we’re talking about.)

They might not be quite there yet, but Moore’s Law holds true. Sex dolls will be to robotics as porn was to the Internet. And you just watch the shitstorm the feminists will kick up.

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