Gender fluidity: canard or conundrum?

Originally posted 2017-01-30 10:14:50.

Gender fluidity has come much under the spotlight in recent years. It has been suggested that there are ‘thousands of genders’, that ‘gender is a spectrum of gradations’ and even that it doesn’t exist. Yet if you walk down the street in any part of the world, you will see two genders. So how can this be?

This baffling conundrum is what you get when people don’t do enough research. In fact, BOTH the binary model and the gender-spectrum model are valid; but their relationship is being wilfully misunderstood.


In large parts of the world, but best documented in South America and Asia, the principal gender division is not between men and women but between men and ‘not-men’. I have referred to this before and it was well described by Prof Don Kulick in his 1998 book ‘Travesti’.

books by rod fleming

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Biological sex is real; to say otherwise is a lie

Originally posted 2017-07-10 21:15:04.

This is a vagina and female reproductive organs. If you are born with these you are FEMALE

The nonsense that biological sex has no basis in reality and that a person can be changed from male to female  is just that, nonsense.

With the exception of a very small number of individuals, in which cases we can always identify a specific genetic irregularity, all humans are either male or female. So there are TWO SEXES. We are not tilapia, frogs or molluscs, and these sexes are fixed FOR LIFE. This is what we observed when we did basic biology in school.

This is a penis and associated structures. If you were born with one of these you are MALE








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Transvestic Autogynephiles: Men who consume themselves

Originally posted 2017-06-19 14:40:01.

The appearance of a Transvestic Autogynephile in the household has massively disrupting consequences for the whole family.

Very few of these are positive and not many families survive the event. Yet there is little information or assistance available to the wives and families who are the victims. This is because Transvestic Autogynephiles themselves have campaigned to see this event as positive, the ‘final liberation’ from the shackles of a life lived, against one’s will, as a man.

Before going further, let’s quickly recap. Transvestic Autogynephiles are the most common male to feminine transgenders in the West.  They are quite distinct from the classic transsexual, the  HomoSexual TransSexual or HSTS, who are characterised by a powerful attraction to men from childhood, associated with strong cross-gender identification and behaviours, and a history of sex-atypicality from childhood. These are genuine Sexual Inverts; Transvestic Autogynephiles are men with a mental disorder.

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Transgender, Autogynephilia and Narcissistic Rage

Originally posted 2017-06-11 16:44:21.

Transgender,  Autogynephilia and Narcissistic Rage


Autogynephilia, defined as ‘a man’s propensity to become sexually aroused by the thought or image of himself as a woman’ is the primary cause of male to feminine transgender expressions. It occurs all over the world but takes different forms depending on the local cultures. Continue reading “Transgender, Autogynephilia and Narcissistic Rage”

The New Gay Man: Explaining Transgender 2

Originally posted 2017-05-31 17:09:47.

To understand the development of trans culture in the West, you need to understand the development of the contemporary face of male homosexuality,  The New Gay Man. He’s not as old as you think.

We have become used, in the West, to a particular type of homosexual men: outwardly masculine, good-looking, well-dressed, often cultured. It has become such a commonplace that today it would be easy to think that this representation of male homosexuality, the New Gay Man, has always existed and is, indeed, the only such presentation. In fact, the aim of many gay activists is to persuade the public that the New Gay Man is all homosexual men have ever been. But this is nonsense.

Continue reading “The New Gay Man: Explaining Transgender 2”

Help with Autogynephilia


Originally posted 2021-11-22 17:19:13.


I receive many requests for help from men with Autogynephilia or with symptoms confusingly similar. I have only rarely tried to help directly in the past but from now on, will do so. It seems that my help is increasingly necessary.

For most men with Autogynephilia, the very last option they should consider is transition. This is especially so if the man is over about twenty-five and indeed, for many, younger.

The crucial factor for any transition is whether it can be successful. That is, can he pass  as a woman? Most of the publicly visible men with Autogynephilia can’t. They are instantly recognisable as men, even if they transition in the ‘sweet zone’. Contrast this with the other main type, Sexual Inverts who, if they complete at all, are usually extremely feminine, passable and have no difficulty navigating society as women. In fact, they can’t successfully do so as men.

hsts-identify-Sexual Invert
This beautiful young woman is a completed Sexual Invert. It is almost impossible for an Autogynephile to achieve her standard of beauty. And note: no make-up or padding.

Most Autogynephiles in the West transitioners over the age of thirty and in fact most significantly older. As a result, they basically will never pass. The effects of testosterone will have shaped them so that their appearance is masculine and heir socialisation as young and adult men will have shaped their behaviours in the same way. For a person like this to pass successfully as a woman is a tall order.


There is a subset of individuals who transition in their teens or early twenties, as soon as they begin to have feelings associated with the condition. But here we are talking about adolescent/young adult transitioners who likely began hormone therapy at sixteen or even before. I know several such trans women and while they are easily identifiable as Autogynephilic, they can be strikingly beautiful.

For most men, the condition can be crippling and as far as I can see, most ‘therapists’ either deny the condition exists or that there is any hope other than transition, for men with it. And they will happily take large amounts of money for doing so.

Men are similarly not helped by those men who have already transitioned. These are very unlikely to admit to having made a catastrophic mistake that has ruined their lives. Like the man who spends a fortune on a new car and finds out it’s a pup, they will play down the damage and worse, encourage others to make the same mistake.

That means there are few resources to help men caught in this vicious and debilitating condition.

If you think this individual passes, then you’re wrong. This Autogynephilic man survives on the charity of others, who are either too polite or too afraid to be honest. Do not be that guy.


I have spent many years studying Autogynephilia and I am as well versed in it as anyone, certainly more than the quacks claiming to help — by putting you on the transition express train, next stop vaginoplasty. So I will help, directly, if you contact me. I can’t do it for nothing because I have to eat, but I am very reasonable and I do understand how financially devastating Autogynephilia can be.

If you would like to know more, please contact me using the form below. This is a new contact form, as the old one was not working properly and did not notify me. This one does.

British comedian and actor Eddie Izzard held his Autogynephilia under control for decades before finally falling off the wagon in 2020.

Sexual terminology: what you should know.

Originally posted 2017-03-22 09:25:15.

Sexual terminology has become a major issue, or well, at least one that should raise a laugh.

So let’s clear it up, shall we?

Physical Sex:

Either male or female, defined at conception. This is immutable and cannot be changed.

Male: an individual specimen with XY chromosomes. Will normally have a penis and testicles.

Female: as above, but with XX chromosomes. Will normally have a vagina, clitoris, ovaries and breasts (in adulthood.)

Continue reading “Sexual terminology: what you should know.”

Trump restored rights to women. Fact.

Originally posted 2017-02-27 06:25:25.

In 2017 US President Donald Trump reversed one of the most egregious acts of anti-science perpetrated by the catastrophic Obama administration.

He rolled back the infamous ‘guidance’ to US Title IX, issued in 2016, which attempted to force Federally-funded programmes to remove protections for women based on their sex and biological science.


Continue reading “Trump restored rights to women. Fact.”

The Sex Market

The Sex Market

Originally posted 2023-06-05 19:43:16.

An essential part of the closed sex market is that women must be the only permissible sexual providers. But the fact is that men are not so fussy. In the dark, well, then — one cul is much like another, n’est-ce pas?

This is one of the most interesting questions. Most males, as teenagers, would have no issues with having sexual experiences with another boy; indeed, across the planet, such behaviours are normal. As Dr JM Bailey said, it seems that men are conditioned later to reject them. That doesn’t mean that they would prefer it, but simply that, left to themselves, they would not be shamed by their teenage jerking sessions with other boys.

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