Homosexual Types: Transgender, Narcissistic, Pederastic


Originally posted 2018-12-24 10:15:44.

There are three types of gay men that can be identified relatively easily. There may be some overlap or admixture of types in specific individuals, but I believe that we can better understand male homosexuality through this Typology. These, together, constitute the New Gay Man, the modern homosexual male collective in the Anglo-Saxon West.

books by rod fleming

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Sexual Inverts and transition

Originally posted 2018-12-10 06:24:25.

Sexual inverts, or, in males, ‘feminine homosexuals’ — along with a range of much less polite vernacular terms — make up a class of homosexuals which have been identified, for over 100 years, as having characteristics of the opposite sex.

I’ve just been reading over a group of papers on this, with one typical being Zucker 1993 ‘Physical Attractiveness of Boys with Gender Identity Disorder’. That is by no means the most recent, with numerous studies by a swathe of researchers making the same findings, along with 2D:4D finger length ratios and other measurable parameters.

The observed facts are that male sexual inverts are naturally feminine (and female ones are masculine.) This was first noted, in the modern era, by Karl Ulrichs, was written about in depth by Havelock Ellis and has NEVER been refuted. It remains the scientific consensus.

books by rod fleming
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Autogynephilia: a cure?

Originally posted 2018-12-08 03:32:29.

Autogynephilia is defined as ‘a man’s propensity to be aroused by the thought or image of himself as a woman’. It is a paraphilia or mental disorder which afflicts heterosexual men.

Autogynephilia is typified by a range of behaviours which the subject considers ‘womanly’. He gains sexualised or directly sexual gratification from them . These can range from cross-dressed masturbation to knitting to wearing typically female clothing under masculine work clothes. He may live full time as a woman and even undergo surgical transition, or he may be a ‘crossdreamer’ wherein all the cross gender gratification occurs in his imagination. All of these are symptoms of Autogynephilia.

Autogynephilia bears no relationship whatsoever to True or HomoSexual TransSexualism (HSTS) which is the natural end-point of Sexual Inversion, in which a subject of one sex has the sexuality normally associated with the other. Autogynephiles always remain ordinary men with an obsessive compulsive condition that makes them want to ‘be’ women. The question is, can it be cured?

books by rod fleming

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Autogynephilic males: a problem in the West but not in Asia

Autogynephilic males

Originally posted 2023-09-08 15:36:51.

Autogynephilic males are men, or at least males, who suffer from a narcissistic, auto-erotic paraphilia that causes them to be obsessed with their appearance – but as women.

Autogynephilic males are invariably heterosexual, in fact we might say ‘hyper-heterosexual;’ they are so consumed with lust for the feminine body that they turn themselves into pseudo-women. I have discussed this in great detail on this website and on my YouTube Channel.

books by rod fleming

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Bisexualism in males

Originally posted 2018-12-07 07:00:29.

Bisexualism in males has a chequered history. Beloved by its proponents, it lacks convincing support, at least in the West, where it is taken to mean, more or less, ‘equal attraction to both masculinity and femininity’. Actual studies are conflicting and the consensus must be that more depends on the way the question is put than reality. Look at the following pictures. Can it really be possible to be sexually attracted as much to the one as the other?

I don’t think so. Yet there is one form of bisexualism in males that is well-supported and documented. It is a function of Autogynephilia, a common fetish of straight men.


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Homosexual Transsexual vs Autogynephilic males

Originally posted 2017-08-29 18:01:06.

By Guest author

Much has made about the differences between autogynephilic transvestites (AGP) and homosexual transsexuals (HSTS). However, most of this work remains largely clinical and as such, it fails to connect to the sympathies of the public. An exception to this of course being J. Michael Bailey’s The Man who would be Queen, an almost pop-science interpretation of the data on transsexualism. Even this, despite being a nice read, is written from the perspective of a researcher. What I am getting at, if not already obvious, is that not much is written from the perspective of Homosexual Transsexual women.

I am a Homosexual Transsexual woman, and was invited by Rod to write a piece or two based on my experiences. I don’t usually get to share these with other people, and I thought this a good opportunity. I won’t get into much about my childhood — after you’ve heard a couple of Homosexual Transsexual’s childhood remembrances, you’ve pretty much heard them all — but I will give some basics.


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Sexual Inversion: ideal description of homosexuality

sexual inversion

Originally posted 2018-11-13 07:01:41.

Homosexual transsexuals exactly fit the profile of ‘sexual inversion’ as defined over a hundred years ago by Karl Heinrich Ulrichs (1825-1895)

‘The truth of the invert was inside rather than on the surface; thus a male invert was “really” a woman, and should be allowed to express a female gender, and a female invert was “really” a man, and should be allowed to dress and live as one. Inversion also referred to the ways in which such bodies inverted the laws of nature, which supposedly decreed that male bodies should desire female sexual partners instead of male ones, and vice versa. The theory of sexual inversion maintained conventional categories of sexuality and gender and did not allow one to be divided from the other. Inversion meant that a man’s homosexual desires, effeminacy, or both did not challenge masculine gender or heterosexual sexual norms; rather, a perfectly normal heterosexual woman with a feminine gender was trapped inside him, yearning to come out.’ (Encyclopedia.com)

Later, the English sexology pioneer H Havelock Ellis wrote:

‘(Congenital sexual inversion) is sexual instinct turned by inborn constitutional abnormality towards persons of the same sex.'(My emphasis).

(Ellis uses the term ‘congenital’ which remains unproven. It is clear that what he is talking about is innate and must result from biological factors occurring either in the womb or shortly after birth; but we do not know whether the trigger for whatever these might be is congenital, that is, a result of a specific gene mutation. However,  the condition is innate and not acquired. I prefer to use the term ‘innate’.)

Ellis’ massive study of human sexuality, Studies in the Psychology of Sex, which is downloadable  via this page HERE, contains a whole volume on sexual inversion, and he defines this as above on the first page. Note that both Ulrichs and Ellis agreed that this sexual inversion was innate. It was inborn and not a matter of choice.

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Autogynephilic men: cure or management?

Originally posted 2018-12-19 06:43:49.

Autogynephilia is ‘a man’s propensity to be aroused by the thought or image of himself as a woman’ (Blanchard)

Autogynephilia is the cause of all non-homosexual Gender Dysphoria in males. This is completely different in nature from Homosexual Gender Dysphoria (HGD), which is a function of Congenital Sexual Inversion and  leads to Homosexual Transsexualism or HSTS. It bears no relationship to Autogynephilia.

Briefly, Completed Sexual Inverts or HSTS are indeed Transsexual, but Autogynephiles are transvestites, even though the source of their sexual satisfaction might not be clothing per se. Essentially, the body they inhabit becomes the ‘woman suit.’

books by rod fleming

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Why would a man not want to date a trans woman?

Originally posted 2018-10-05 06:25:07.

Something that I have thought about a lot over the last ten years is this: why would a man not want to date a trans woman? I see, practically on a daily basis, the hot stares of men as they scope a trans woman. Men can’t stop themselves.

Most amusing, perhaps, is the Western male, the Anglo-Saxon particularly (Mediterranean types have a different take on life.) So often I have been sitting in a bar watching one of them, or sometimes in the same company. I have seen them practically salivating over a girl nearby, and then their reactions as one of their companions leans forward and murmurs something crass like ‘You’ll get more than you expect with that one, mate, it’s a bloke!’

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Gateways to Heaven: Ladyboy bars

Roman sex

Originally posted 2018-10-08 06:42:21.

Ladyboy bars in Thailand are real gateways to Heaven. They are overspilling with femininity and the girls are all so eager to please. It’s a matter of staying calm long enough to choose the right one — or two. They’re always up for a threesome.

If you don’t know what the inside of  ladyboy bars are really like, then I advise you to correct this with as little delay as possible. I hope this little video will help you visualise the legions of feminine — and available — angels of  loveliness that populate these gateways to heaven..

I found the video below a few years ago and decided to re-edit it to Billy Idol’s ‘Rebel Yell’. It’s an all-time favourite and frankly, is far more in tune with the passionate yelps of a toothsome young ladyboy in bed than the music the video originally had!

Please check out my post ‘Ladyboys in Pattaya’ for some information useful to the gentleman who seeks the pleasure of ladyboy company.

You’ll need a ‘guest-friendly’ hotel, if you don’t use one of the ubiquitous short-time hotels which are, by definition, open to customers bringing along a girl or three. Although generally, budget hotels are fine, it’s probably better to avoid those run by farangs. I have to say, with regret, that the only time I’ve ever had any real issues with ladyboys in bars, restos or hotels in southeast Asia, it has been in establishments run by that species of bigoted Australian male who would, frankly, have been better left as a stain on his mother’s bedsheets.

This link is an excellent resource, detailing the guest-friendly hotels in Pattaya. If in doubt, email or call before booking as some may be cool with natal girls but not with ladyboys. Which would somewhat defeat the point, I fear..

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