Dark Triad: Is Meghan Markle one?

rod fleming

Originally posted 2021-03-31 11:00:37.

Dark Triad is a personality type characterised by three traits: Machiavellianism, Narcissism and Psychopathy. The world has seen, in the antics of Meghan Markle, how they behave.

Individually, two of the traits in Dark Triad, Machiavellianism and Narcissism, can actually be positive, in appropriate measure. But when combined with the third, Psychopathy, they become dangerous.


Psychopaths have no empathy for others, even though they may be good at giving the impression they do. They have no moral restraints at all. This is the classic baby kissing politician who cares not a jot about the babies, but about getting their parents’ votes and making himself appear human.  But in the right circumstances, a psychopath can kill without compunction, even on the grand order.

Dark Triad
Nixon being Nixon

books by rod fleming

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Cognitive Dissonance and Transgender/Transsex

Originally posted 2017-11-11 19:51:15.

Cognitive Dissonance is the feeling of discomfort we get when what we perceive clashes with our expectations. We all walk around in a mental model of the world. That should be obvious. But this is an immensely sophisticated system. When you enter a space for the first time your eyes target the most important elements and your mind blocks in the rest. As the moments pass, in response to sensory stimuli, the less critical areas are built up in your mental model in much the same way a as a computer works ‘in the background’

This process relies on assumptions that are made at a cognitive level. The sky is blue. I can measure that by using a type of light meter called a colour temperature meter. So while I cannot know how you perceive blue, I do know that whatever blue looks like in your head, the sky is that colour and we can agree on it.

What if you walked outside and the sky was yellow? I’m not talking about some beautiful sunset, just the regular sky. Ten minutes ago it was blue, now it’s yellow. What do you think of that?




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Borderline Personality Disorder and transgender

Originally posted 2017-07-02 14:37:37.

Borderline Personality Disorder is the most widely recognised mental disorder in the West. However, this should not make you underestimate it. Severe Borderline is excruciating for the sufferers.

More than that, Borderline heavily affects the people around them. This is because it is characterised by rage attacks, violent mood swings, irrational and dangerous behaviours, deliberate threatened or actual harm to both self and others and destructiveness.

If you are a man dating, looking for a partner, then you might encounter someone who displays the symptoms of Borderline. While we make our own decisions in life and are responsible for them, I would advise you to read this and watch the associated video. I have also added links to other sites with more information. I think you should inform yourself about this condition before you make a decision as to whether or not this person really is somebody you could make a life with.

if you think that you or someone close to you has Borderline, please consider taking this test:


books by rod fleming
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