Unlimited sex: the foundation of Islam

unlimited sex

Originally posted 2022-09-13 11:30:31.

Unlimited sex after death is the foundation of islam.

To understand this you need to know something about the origin of islam. It was, certainly, based on the delusions of an ambitious, illiterate camel-trader, but it appeared in a culture that was entirely Goddess-worshipping. When Mohamed rails against ‘the polytheists,’ he specifically means these worshippers; so his cult is completely misogynistic.

The Goddess in this case was triple, like many others. She was Al-Uzza, Al-Lat and Menat.

triple goddess
Al-Uzza (The Mighty One), centre, is the goddess of the morning and evening stars and symbolizes war and love. She is shown with lions, similar to Inanna. Al-Lat is the moon goddess. Besides the crescent moon, her other symbols are a sheaf of wheat and a pot of incense; so she is a fertility goddess. Menat is the goddess of faith and death. Her symbol is the waning moon and she is usually depicted as an old woman holding a vessel of death in her hand.

The centres of their worship were at Mecca and Petra but it was widespread. Their followers were Mohamed’s sworn enemies and so, unsurprisingly, he wrote out every possible element of femininity in his proto-cult and turned it into one of warfare, killing and misogyny, fuelled by his promise of unlimited sex after death.

books by rod fleming

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Secularism: Why Muslims must embrace it


Originally posted 2015-07-25 13:48:39.

The only way for the Muslim community to resolve the problems caused by the rise of Islamic extremism and the predictable reaction to it, is to accept secularism and to reject shari’aa and the primacy of Islam over other cults.

The issue is not between a Christian majority and a Muslim minority, it is between a society founded on democratic principles and reason, an arch crowned by the keystone that we can change the laws that govern us by electoral mandate, and a religious minority that refuses to accept this, and instead insists that no part of the law, as expressed through shari’aa — because it is ‘God’s’ law — can ever be altered, even in one word. Only secularism can resolve this.

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