Bakla to Kabaklaan: the way of beauty


Originally posted 2021-09-30 07:42:37.

Transwomen in the Philippines are classified locally as ‘gay’. The specific word used might be ‘bakla’, ‘beki’, ‘bayot’, ‘bading’ or any one of several others, depending on location and dialect.

Here, ‘gay’ does not mean what it does in the West. It means you are male but not a man; that you have ‘green blood’. You are an unmasculine male. In Luzon, the most popular local term is ‘bakla’. Their lifestyle is called ‘kabaklaan’.

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A bakla starts on the life of kabaklaan when she is young, perhaps five or six. This type is called the ‘batang bakla’. Girls who ‘come out’ in later adolescence are known as ‘late bloomers’.

books by rod fleming

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The Autogynephilic rats and how they chatter.

autogynephilic rats

Originally posted 2023-10-28 15:11:11.

In recent days I have come under attack from Autogynephiles again. The fact that they chose to wait until I was weakened by the tragic death of Sam, whom I loved and had supported for six years, should tell you about these people.

I have to say that in my opinion, nearly all Western Autogynephiles are thoroughly nasty characters. Whether they are invading women’s toilets to jerk off to the sound of them pissing, waving their wangs around in women’s changing rooms, unfairly competing against women in sports, beating the crap out of them in the boxing ring or any of the other activities so redolent of the Western Autogynephilic rats, these people are despicable.

So let’s be clear: no ‘transwoman’ is actually a woman; no such a person can ever give birth. That is not the only definition of ‘woman’ I know but, certainly in the Southeast Asian context, it is definitive. Western Autogynephilic rats are not even transsexual, they are glorified crossdressing male fetishists. A significant number of them are evil predators and I will expose one here, through the communications he had with a younger, self-confessed but non-transvestic (yet) Autogynephilic rat.


books by rod fleming

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Baklas, sex and motorcycle maintenance


Originally posted 2020-10-02 18:30:19.

I’m at the local motorcycle repair shop where Sherwyn, a most competent mechanic and pleasant cove, is replacing a brake master cylinder on the Blaze. He first thought to replace only the seals, but he can’t find the right size. A new cylinder is 400 pesos, just under six quid, an unwell encephalopod. I just tell him to get on with it. Sherwyn works in the open space outside a motorcycle parts shop, where he seems to buy most of his stuff, although, as today, sometimes he has to go further afield. While I wait I sit on a wooden bench in the shade and observe the street life. Baklas soon begin to appear; it’s like they’re in the woodwork.

books by rod fleming

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Woman: adult of feminine gender

Originally posted 2020-08-26 02:31:40.

Rui Mariano from the Philippines

Women are adults of feminine gender. Or are you telling me this is a man? I think, if you are, you need to visit SpecSavers

Homosexual Transsexual and Transvestite: not the same.

women and men

Originally posted 2022-03-10 19:15:56.

Gender has become a hot button issue in recent years. But few people understand what is going on.

Women and men are different, despite the fashionable orthodoxies. These differences are innate and they have an unexpected usefulness. The differences between women and men carry forward into the discussion of Transsexuals and transvestites.

books by rod fleming

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Gently but firmly: When does that become coercion?

gently but firmly

Originally posted 2022-09-19 18:44:56.

‘Gently but firmly’ is the manner in which parents of children manifesting sex non-conforming behaviour are adjured to make those children desist.

Professors J Michael Bailey and Ray Blanchard penned an open letter to the Fourth Wave Now website in 2017. It is as relevant today as it was then. In it they made many valuable points. The article is long but the most concerning part is here:

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If you want your childhood-onset gender dysphoric child to desist, and if your child is still well below the age of puberty (which varies, but let’s say, younger than 11 years), you should firmly (but kindly and patiently) insist that your child is a member of his/her birth sex…You should not allow your child to engage in behaviors such as cross dressing and fantasy play as the other sex. Above all else, you should not let your child socially transition to the other sex.

At the same time, you should recognize that despite your best efforts, your child may ultimately need to transition to be happy. If your child’s gender dysphoria persists well into adolescence (again, the ages vary by child, but let’s say age 14 or so), s/he is much more likely to transition. At that point, in our opinion, parents should consider supporting transition.
(my italics)

(I will put a copy of the original paper on my websites at and https://

.com/sexology )

Bailey and Blanchard are both highly respected and here they are simply restating what we might call the ‘establishment position’. However, there are significant problems with the above statement and I will deal with these. I am aware that they do not use the phrase ‘gently but firmly’ here, but that is a reasonable rendering of the phrase they do use.

books by rod fleming

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Gender Sex and Sexuality

sex market

Originally posted 2022-03-07 16:39:23.

Perhaps surprisingly, gender seems to still be a mystery to many, so let me try to explain.

First of all, let’s state what gender is not – it is not sex. Sex and gender are not synonymous. We might summarise it by saying ‘gender is what gets us into bed and sex is what we do once we’re there.’


Sex refers to a system of reproduction. In sexually dimorphic species, like us, there are two sexes. One has a system that produces a large, immotile gamete, or sex cell and the other a small, rapidly moving one. The former is called female and the latter male. The small gamete, called a sperm cell, carries an X or a Y chromosome. The larger one is called an ovum and, since these are produced in females, who only have X sex chromosomes, all ova are X. When the sperm and ovum come together, they produce a new individual with either XX (female) or XY (male) chromosomal sex or karotype. Thus, sex is fixed for life and cannot be changed.


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Travestis and traviesas: in memory of Miriam Rivera

travestis Rod Fleming

Originally posted 2019-08-21 07:24:01.

Earlier this year, one of the travestis best-known in the West, Miriam Rivera was killed in a manner as yet unknown. Miriam was a Mexican traviesa, similar to Brazilian travestis. In order to mark the passing of this beautiful but troubled individual, I am publishing this article about travestis and traviesas.

Who are the Travestis?

Travestis and traviesas are pre-operative or non-operative MtF transwomen; that is to say, they are feminised males who take hormones and have body enhancements, but they retain their male genitalia. They are found across Latin America and also in southern Europe.



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The word ‘homosexual’.

Originally posted 2022-09-12 12:33:30.

What does the word ‘homosexual’ actually mean?

Over the last five years I have read deeply into the historical and modern context of the word ‘homosexual’ and how its usage evolved, from it being coined in the nineteenth century.

The word ‘homosexual’ as it is now understood in the West, was not so understood, anywhere, until the 20th century. It did not become general even there until after Kinsey published in the early 1950s, and was not dominant till much later. Whether you consider that sex between two males must be ‘homosexual’ or not, and I do not, that does not mean that either or both parties are themselves ‘homosexual’. One is an activity, the other is a personality type, formerly known as a ‘catamite’. Conflating these has been most unhelpful.

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Proposing marriage to Sam


Originally posted 2019-02-21 03:16:25.

As so many of you must know by now, for the past year I have been romantically attached to Sam Villasencio, also known as Samantha Nicole Mendez. It’s not always been the easiest of relationships but we found, through our adversities, the real strength of our love. I know that proposing was the right thing to do but I put it off for a few months even after my mind was made up. There were many reasons for this, not all good, but not all bad either. But in the end I realised that it was something I wanted to do and that my motives were sound.

Although I am not really superstitious I wanted the most propitious circumstances. After all, this is Asia and Sam is Two-Spirited, with much power in the unseen world. So I wanted to give her a ring and do it properly.

So on St Valentines’s Day, we had a party for some friends and then I got on my knees and asked her. She said ‘yes’. Fortunately.

We don’t know quite when or how the actual marriage ceremony will take place. Sam’s a Catholic, I’m Church of Scotland — and perhaps more to the point, she’s a transwoman. I will keep you all posted but meantime keep an eye on my YouTube Channel

I am in the process of mirroring all the YT videos both here and on Bitchute, but it will take a while.

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