The Four Horsemen of the Gaypocalypse

four horsemen

Originally posted 2023-03-01 16:56:50.

Okay, so the Four Horsemen of the Gaypocalypse is tongue-in-cheek. But for too long we have been fed real whoppers by the New Gay Man apologists and activists. The first of these is that ‘gay’ and ‘homosexual’ mean the same thing. They don’t at all, and this curious conflation — of four horsemen into one — has been extremely useful for those New Gay Man and ‘Queer’ activists, and thoroughly bad news for the actual Homosexuals. It is in fact almost impossible to understand alternative male sexuality while believing that the four horsemen are one.

So who are these Four Horsemen of the Gaypocalypse and what is their purpose?

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Girly-boy beauty: Poking fun at preconceptions


Originally posted 2018-09-22 08:30:07.

Sexual transformation from boy to girl has always been hot.  Enter the girly-boy: the transsexual or TS.

The oldest records we have prove the early existence of TS individuals, often priestesses or shamans. Their direct descendants are in the hijra of India, the kathoey of Thailand, the bekis and baklas of the Philippines, the travestis of the Americas, Blanchard HSTS and a host of transsexuals, trannies and shemales across the planet.

From the ‘Dancing Boys’ of Afghanistan to the kathoeys and baklas of Asia, from down-town Sao Paulo to Paris, in every culture, all through history, boys become girls in order to attract men. The beautiful girly-boy has always been with us, and she is not going away.


(Note: This is a light-hearted, humorous article. If you are a USican, a feminist or a Western Autogynephile, you might need a humour transplant before reading it. Just saying. Everyone in the pictures is over 18, thanks. Those capable of taking life with a pinch of salt, and wit, read on.)

books by rod fleming
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Feminising Hormones

feminising hormones

Originally posted 2023-02-28 15:19:41.

Today we live in a situation where access to feminising hormones is being restricted, especially for young people. In some cases, as in certain US States, this is the result of draconian and ill-advised legislation. In others, especially where prescriptions are needed to get the preparations, the technique has been to make this almost impossible. This is what happens, for example in the UK.

Feminising hormones are one thing, but what about masculinising ones? This page does not consider these, for several reasons. The first is that in many jurisdictions the possession of Testosterone supplements without prescription is illegal. Another is that Hormone Replacement Therapy and transition generally are far more complicated for females than males. The effects of Testosterone on a female are drastic and irreversible.


We absolutely do not advise anyone to take Testosterone or equivalent except under medical supervision and never, under any circumstances, under the age of twenty. Therefore this page contains no links to suppliers of it.

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The Definition of Homosexuality: Feminine Males.

definition of homosexuality

Originally posted 2023-01-14 13:23:26.

In the recent past I have been asked about my definition of homosexuality. This appears to be mainly from people who erroneously use the term ‘gay’ to mean ‘homosexual.’ As I have already stated in articles, ‘gay’ is a lifestyle that encompasses many who are not homosexuals. Homosexuals may be a subset of ‘gays’, but they are not the same.

This girl, who is male, is a gay or a homosexual in Asian terms. She’s gorgeous, obviously. Pic courtesy of Cine de Rose Ladyboys.

Until the intervention of Alfred Kinsey in 1946, the definition of homosexuality — Karl Maria Kertbeny (1824-1882) coined the term “homosexuality” in 1869 — was understood to apply to an effeminate male, often stylish and artistic, who desired to be the receptive partner in sex with conventionally masculine males: men. ‘Homosexual’ was intended to replace terms like ‘sodomite’, ‘catamite’ and so on.

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Homosexual, Bisexual and ‘Not-Men’.


Originally posted 2018-09-07 04:38:50.

Any man who willingly has sex with a woman is NOT homosexual. Period. That is because ‘homosexual’ means ‘someone exclusively attracted to same sex from childhood’. A man who willingly has sex with both men and women is bisexual, irrespective of how he describes himself. That applies also to those men who ‘discover’ they are ‘gay’ in later life, after years of marriage. They’re bisexual, not homosexual.

Homosexual male does not equal ‘gay’

Homosexual males are attracted to masculinity, because they have an inversion of sexuality. However,  ‘gay’ is actually a lifestyle which comprises homosexual men but also bisexuals, ephebephiles and hebophiles (attracted to teenage boys, basically) non-trans autogynephiles whose fetish for ‘being a woman’ is being penetrated, super-masculine narcissistic homosexuals and even others. And these are all real things, not airhead genders. There is no one ‘homosexual’ lifestyle, despite the ongoing efforts of the New Gay Man thought police to ensure everyone (actually, everyone at all) is properly ensconced under their appropriate label in the LBTQalphabet permitted lifestyle and orientation set.

Continue reading “Homosexual, Bisexual and ‘Not-Men’.”

Two myths about relationships with trans women


Originally posted 2021-02-21 14:41:58.

There are many myths about relationships with trans women but they are, for a man, little different from those with cis women. Obviously, in the case of an intact trans woman there is her penis to deal with, but this amounts to something around 1% of her; the other 99% is more important.

There are subtle nuances of difference but no more than one might encounter if in a relationship with someone from a different cultural background.

I think the most damaging of the myths, regarding transwomen who retain their genitalia, is that they will want to use it in the way that a man would. Outside of sex work, this is rare; most just won’t. (I do know some who do, for pleasure and in private but they are unusual, likely well under 10%.)

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Pederasts and homosexuals

Apollo and Hyacinth. Alexander Ivanov

Originally posted 2023-02-13 19:59:03.

We’ve talked a lot about homosexuality here, and explained how it is a specific personality type. We’ve also discussed the ‘gay’ lifestyle and explained that this, like ‘trans’ is an umbrella description covering several different personality types, only one of which is actually homosexual. Within the gay lifestyle there are two principal types, pederasts and homosexuals. A third group is made up of non-transitioning autogynephiles and there are several more, but pederasts and homosexuals form a natural opposition.


Pederasts, let me make it clear, are NOT homosexuals. They have none of the qualities that mark out the homosexual. Where homosexuals are feminine, pederasts are masculine, for example.

I want to address an important question: we know that homosexuality is innate and caused by hormone delivery anomalies in utero; but is pederasty innate and if so, by what mechanism might it be enacted? If pederasty is not innate, on the other hand, how does it come about? That would make it a learned behaviour. So are there any signs that pederasty does have a potentially innate basis, at least for some men?

How did it begin?

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Transsexualism: the science

Originally posted 2017-09-01 11:11:57.

Although this is often deliberately obscured, there is actually a significant amount of scientific literature on the subject of transsexualism or transgender, particularly Male-to-Feminine (Male sex, Feminine gender.) I have linked to the most important papers below and have commented on some.

Essentially, the so-called ‘Feminine Essence’ hypothesis, which is often touted by propagandists for one type of MtF, for example Julia Serano, who is actually autogynephilic, has absolutely no basis in science at all. It is an artefact of Postmodernism and Serano, in espousing the hypothesis and deliberately ignoring the actual science, betrays an underlying hostility to science that is typical of Postmodernists.

We know what causes transsexualism. Both types are firmly rooted in sex drive and sexuality.

More links to scientific papers on related topics can be found here.

Enjoy reading!


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Harm in sex? How?


Originally posted 2022-07-19 17:24:09.

In Asia, South America and elsewhere, boys are likely to become sexually active with older boys and men while in late childhood or adolescence. Where is the evidence that there is harm in sex like this?

Their activity will almost always be as recipients in anal sex.  It should go without saying that in cultures where male femininity is tolerated and even admired, the number who turn out to be ‘regular straight folks’ is approximately zero. So is there any harm in sex like this?

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Not Men: bekis in the Philippines

Originally posted 2017-10-22 19:35:24.

Social division into ‘men’ and ‘not men’ groups, together with a domestic matriarchy, explains why transsexual expressions in SE Asia differ from the West.

Male to Female transsexuals are normally scientifically categorised as homosexual or nonhomosexual with regard to their birth sex. I use the term HSTS for the former. Blanchard explained the latter in terms of autogynephilia, love of oneself as a woman. These we term autogynephiles or AGPs. There is a discrepancy, between the West and Asia, however. Whereas in the West, most AGPs are older and about 60% seek relationships with women, most AGPs in Asia transition much younger and are almost exclusively attracted to men. Why is this happening?




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