Feminism: a toxic social neurosis

Originally posted 2022-03-25 08:21:47.


Feminism and therapy are both implicated in the rise of Female to Masculine adolescent transition, but feminism’s influence is foundational.

There would be no need for therapy, if people were not asking for it, after all. Why are young females in particular asking? Feminism has told them a bundle of lies and half-truths and they have been taken in.

The celebration of femininity has not yet been ‘killed dead’ but many expressions have been erased; witness the fate of the Grid Girls or Victoria’s Secret’s cynical move to promote its woke credentials. Across the art world, the depiction of female beauty, especially nude, is now effectively banned (I’m a certificated art teacher, so I am expert in this.) These are just a few examples that illustrate the war being waged on femininity, by feminists.

books by rod fleming

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Women and not-women: the masculine female


Originally posted 2021-04-05 15:26:45.

When you teach women that they are the same as men, then there are consequences. Making them into masculine not-women is just the first.

Women begin to think they should perform an ersatz masculinity. This is pronounced in corporate or military situations, where rank matters. How can a promoted woman give orders to a man? Only by performing masculinity. Then, if you fix the game so these not-women can win with less effort than men, which in most scenarios is the only way they can, it gets worse.

substack - men-attracted-to -transwomen

As a result the route to success success becomes  ‘being masculine’ when it should mean ‘being a great mother’. The more masculine women are, the more success they are likely to be given, in our culture, while motherhood is decried as an impediment to their ‘careers’. (By which they mean ‘jobs.’ Equality of exploitation in wage-slavery, what a victory.)

But at the same time, masculinity repulses men and mothering qualities attract them. (see Freud.) So men begin avoiding these women as sexual partners. I mean, who the fuck would marry Cathy Newman? So career success, for women, increasingly equals ‘catastrophic personal life.’

books by rod fleming

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Feminism has always been a lie.

Originally posted 2020-05-13 13:50:35.

Feminism is a deception perpetrated on women and society by a small group of females, in order to implement a Communist Revolution. If you don’t believe me, read Gloria Steinem: ‘the only thing Marx got wrong is that the means ARE the end’.

The sex-doll issue, which was bubbling in the news-feeds as feminists set it up for attack — until COVID-19 stole the show — is illustrative of how they use sex to exercise power over men. No women are harmed in a sexual exchange between a man and a piece of plastic, yet somehow it is still ‘demeaning to women’ for this to happen. How is that even possible? It’s a SEX TOY.

I want to see a man beaten to a bloody pulp with a high-heel shoved in his mouth, like an apple in the mouth of a pig. Andrea Dworkin

books by rod fleming

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Dark Triad: Is Meghan Markle one?

rod fleming

Originally posted 2021-03-31 11:00:37.

Dark Triad is a personality type characterised by three traits: Machiavellianism, Narcissism and Psychopathy. The world has seen, in the antics of Meghan Markle, how they behave.

Individually, two of the traits in Dark Triad, Machiavellianism and Narcissism, can actually be positive, in appropriate measure. But when combined with the third, Psychopathy, they become dangerous.


Psychopaths have no empathy for others, even though they may be good at giving the impression they do. They have no moral restraints at all. This is the classic baby kissing politician who cares not a jot about the babies, but about getting their parents’ votes and making himself appear human.  But in the right circumstances, a psychopath can kill without compunction, even on the grand order.

Dark Triad
Nixon being Nixon

books by rod fleming

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Transgressive and Conservative gay: two models

transgressive-conservative gay

Originally posted 2019-01-18 04:57:31.

‘Gay’ is not an orientation or a preference, it is a lifestyle. In fact it is two lifestyles, transgressive and conservative. In the West, from its beginning in the 1950s, it has become strongly transgressive, after the ideals of homosexuals like Harry Hay, one of the founders.


Hay was a card-carrying Communist Party member who finally realised that Communists hated homosexuals even more than mainstream society did; so his solution to destroying the culture he lived in was to organise and use homosexuality as a battering-ram. Naturally, he had learned how to do this from his Communist Party mentors. So right from its inception, the Western transgressive form was completely rooted in Communism and a desire to overthrow the status quo.

This is completely different from the situation outside the West, where gay lifestyles are usually conservative both socially and politically.

books by rod fleming

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Pot, Porn and Prostitution – 3 Ps

Originally posted 2018-09-25 08:10:28.

There are three parameters that I think define the level of freedom we actually enjoy. I call them the ‘3 Ps’.

(This was written in the happier days of 2015, when we measured freedom more casually. Today, a mere six years later, in 2022, the real threat to our freedom is the relentless attack on free speech and expression, being pursued by the wokeist Left and its feminist, Portmodernist and Identitarian fellow-travellers. Even stating simple facts today is considered a ‘hate crime’ in many jurisdictions, including the UK. Sometimes, frankly, I wish we had the Cold War back. At least then we knew what we stood for. I still do; do you? Another war is coming, of that we can now be absolutely sure. Indeed, it may already have begun.)

books by rod fleming

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MeToo didn’t really work out, did it?


Originally posted 2021-03-04 22:39:11.

Well, not yet anyway. Only a few years ago, the MeToo movement burst onto the popular scene, threatening to complete the establishment of the gynocracy and the Helotisation of men. But MeToo didn’t quite work out as the covens of feminists, with their eye of newt and ear of bat (metaphorical, of course, what would PETA say) had hoped.

Thanks to MeToo every man in the West was soon losing sleep about all those drunken nights at Uni, worrying whether he had kissed some equally drunk girl who was well up for it anyway. Perhaps he’d let a hand slip onto her hip while dancing; enough now, to see a man crucified. Let’s be honest, there were a fair few nights I can’t  even remember and I don’t think I’m alone.

books by rod fleming

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Prostitution: why feminists hate it


Originally posted 2017-08-25 18:44:03.

Prostitution is, they say, ‘the oldest profession in the world’ and, as far as the historical record goes, it’s at least close to being so. The first mention of prostitution that we know of was 5,500 years ago, in the city of Uruk, in Sumer in Mesopotamia, where priestesses in the Temple of Inanna performed this service.

The religious connection with prostitution, of course, is one that has long since been lost — though we might discuss it in another piece; yet of course, the practice itself continues. Until recently, the major push to suppress prostitution was religious, coming from, in particular, the Protestant Christian traditions and notably the Anglican one, which has always been a pillar of sex-negativity and repression.

Of recent decades, however, the attempt to prevent women from engaging in prostitution has come from other women. Indeed, it has become a bastion of modern feminism. But this throws up a thorny moral question: do we or do we not have the right to do as we will with our own bodies?


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Islam: Read all about it right here!


Originally posted 2021-02-23 17:43:03.

I’ve just refreshed my page that contains free downloads of all the major texts of Islam. For reasons that remain unclear, this page suffers frequent attacks. It’s almost as if Muslims don’t want people to read their texts…silly idea, no?

Actually, no. Islam does not want you to read the texts. Muslims go to great lengths to prevent you and condemn any version of the texts not written in Arabic. This, they say, is because ‘Allah’ speaks Arabic and so any translation of his words is blasphemous. However, a suspicious person, not me, of course, might argue that it sounds very much as if they don’t want we kuffars to read the texts at all. I wonder why that might be, if it were the case?

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Debunking the Blank Slate

Originally posted 2018-05-18 11:05:03.

Gender is innate and evolved; it is not the result of ‘socialisation’, as the blank slate ideology contests.  No serious scientist believes the blank slate hypothesis now, other than a few contrarians who allow their political beliefs to overshadow their rigour. The notion that gender — along with a raft of human behaviours — is ‘socialised’ has been completely, comprehensively and utterly debunked, for over 60 years.

Anyone who has experience of dealing with animals knows that male and female animals are very different, not just in the way that they look, but the way that they behave. In other words, they display innate gendered behavioural traits. Males tend to be more aggressive, females more nurturing.

This applies no less to humans.


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