Milo Yiannopoulos and the feminist harpies revisited


Originally posted 2022-05-05 18:01:24.

Some years ago I watched as a mouthy but entertaining young journalist called Milo Yiannopoulos was defenestrated, his career shattered. I was minded to write something about it now because of a statement Victor Davis Hanson recently made about how Wokeness has become the New Terror.

Milo Yiannopoulos was not destroyed because he is a conservative, despite the rabid political climate of the West today. His adversaries were stymied there, because Milo Yiannopoulos has gay privilege. He is in a protected identity class. So how did they do it?


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Capitalism: is there an alternative in free societies?

Originally posted 2017-03-03 06:58:38.

There is no alternative to Capitalism in a free society. Removing it would also necessarily remove the foundation of Enlightened Culture. As I wrote here, that foundation is that we all own our own bodies and lives. They are ours to do as we will with, so long as we do not harm others.  If we so choose, we may use them to earn and acquire property, which is Capital. Once acquired, it is ours to keep or exchange.

Removing Capitalism dispossesses us of our own lives and bodies, since it prevents us from using them to acquire things. Worse, it assumes that, since our bodies and lives are not our own, they must belong to someone or something else. This has been the Family, the State, the Tribe, the Earth, the Party, the Church, the Crown, the Faith; you name it. Our most precious freedom, to live our own lives with our own bodies, is removed when we attempt to remove Capitalism.

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Enlightened Culture versus Snowflake Culture

Originally posted 2017-02-15 07:11:48.

Events of recent months contributed to a discussion between myself, Rod Fleming, and Karis Burkowski. Karis carried out the role of editor and eventually co-author of our book ‘Why Men Made God’. In reviewing the book for a second edition, we encountered several points of discussion that highlight the difference between enlightened culture and regressive-left Snowflake Culture. I thought our discussion was worth sharing.

Today, the term ‘Snowflake Culture’ has passed out of popular usage, as is has become clear that it is nothing other than the extreme Left and is popularly referred to as ‘wokeism’. I was still an atheist when this was written, too. Ihave not changed this article, however.

Karis Burkowski (KB): The climate catastrophe is inevitable, but can still be somewhat ameliorated. How our cultures rebuild themselves in a post-catastrophe world is a valuable discussion…Self-serving cults, particularly those with medieval attitudes, must not be allowed to gain ascendancy. We must change as a species, like we did post-Toba, and do better next time.

You mentioned that the friends of atheists are Christians. That may be so in Europe, but it is far from true over here. Atheists are still ‘closeted’ in many parts of the US and for good reason…The antithesis of Islam is not Christianity, it is secularism. Both groups would destroy atheists if they could.

(This article was written in 2016 and I have not updated it, although in fact, my position is significantly harder now than it was then. In the end, Trump was one of the best US Presidents ever and I am proud to have supported him. Pence was predictably invisible as VP. I sincerely hope Trump will return to high office soon. The book under discussion, Why Men Made God, was withdrawn from publication after agreement between the publisher and myself, as principal author. Part of its content has been rewritten into a new book, which will appear soon.)

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Time has run out: War has begun

Originally posted 2017-02-03 07:34:03.

We have no time left to deliberate, now. Appeasement has failed, just as it did in 1939. The enemy is among us. He is far more cruel and vicious than Adolf Hitler and more totalitarian than the Nazis. He uses any weapon he can to kill us, while we have allowed our governments to take from us our own, with which we might, perhaps, have defended ourselves. His name is Islam and he has declared war.

Our cultural values of freedom and toleration we must now put aside, because our continent is sick. The dream of a free, peaceful Europe that we have been building for seven decades is dead.  We must, now, fight to preserve what is left, the essential core of our cultural values. To do that we must accept that many of our privileges, afforded by the system we live under, must be suspended. We are at war and that is one consequence.

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Islamophobia: a reasonable fear

Originally posted 2016-11-23 14:47:57.

‘Phobia’ just means ‘fear of’. ‘Islamophobia’ therefore, is the fear of Islam. But Islam is not a group of people, a race or an ethnicity. It is just a religion. A religion is a set of ideas, so Islam is an ideology.

It is reasonable to fear an ideology that calls on its followers to kill you and destroy your culture; so why does ‘Islamophobia’ have special status? Why are people deliberately shamed into not stating that they are afraid of Islam and what it instructs its benighted followers to do to them?

Why should Islamophobia be reviled, when it is actually the only intelligent position to take? Is self-preservation a bad thing? Is it wicked to want to protect a culture that you are justly proud of? Is it wrong to want to protect yourself and your children from a 9th-century travesty of lies and delusions fabricated by an evil warlord whose closest modern equivalent is Adolf Hitler?

Islamophobia is not only a reasonable fear, it is also the only intelligent and rational position to take.






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Socially aware, libertarian, scientific, secularist

Originally posted 2016-09-16 14:13:30.

I was asked today if I was a ‘liberal’. Now in all honesty, until quite recently, I would just have said ‘yes’ and moved on. Simple, easy, checks the right boxes. But the world is not as it was; liberalism has become infected with some appallingly bad ideas that we have to stand up to and defeat. So when I analysed ‘what I am’ I came up with this: a socially aware, libertarian, scientific, secularist.

So, for this week’s Friday Politics,  what does being a socially aware, libertarian, scientific, secularist, mean and why is it not the same as being a ‘liberal’?

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Islam: a danger to society

Originally posted 2016-08-22 13:26:22.

‘Islamic extremism is a danger to society and a threat to public safety. It must be defeated wherever it is found’.

Well it’s  no secret that I think this is wholly true. Anyone who reads my posts on Islam knows that I consider it to be a sick, depraved cult based on male privilege, misogyny, homophobia, male paedophilia, ‘honour killings’, genital mutilation and violence.

Yet I did not speak the words above. The UK’s new Justice Secretary, Liz Truss, was reported as saying them in The Independent. 

Hallelujah! Is it premature to imagine that some common sense has at last been allowed to spring its green shoots in UK politics? Not so long ago, I would have been vilified for saying things like that, and I know people who have been banned from social media for it. That there is no more grim darkness than the regressive liberalism that infests such spaces has no greater confirmation. And today a minister of State says exactly what should have been said over a decade ago.

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The Hadith: Sahih al-Bukhari

Originally posted 2016-07-25 11:58:15.

The Hadith constitute the third pillar of Islam. They are ‘commentaries on the life of the Prophet.’ They are second in authority only to the Qur’an itself. The other pillars are the Qur’an  and the Sirah . Together with the Sharia these form  the ideological basis for the ‘religion of peace’.

Muslims believe that the Qur’an is  the literal word of Allah. The Angel Gabriel transmitted it, exactly as spoken, to Mohammed. He memorised it because he couldn’t write. You make your own judgements as to how accurate his recall was likely to have been. (The Qur’an was not actually written down until some 80 years after Mohammed’s death, which is also worth considering.)

The Qur’an is confused.

The Qur’an is at best confused and mysterious.

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Gay child: a pederast’s fantasy.

gay child not

Originally posted 2022-04-30 14:20:57.

It horrifies me that in 2022 I still have to say this: There is no such thing as a ‘gay child’.

Even what is meant by ‘child’ as been deliberately obscured. As a result we have to specify what one is, since some USicans apparently think it’s anyone under the age of thirty. Well, the USA is the motherlode of bad ideas, after all. But we can’t really discuss the concept of a ‘gay child’ without knowing what a child is. Seems fairly basic.

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A child is, specifically, a young person who has not yet reached puberty. Age of puberty varies, but it is usually in the eleven to thirteen age range in males, with a few outliers. So we are talking about individuals — in this case, male ones — under the age of twelve or so. And note, only those. Adolescents are not children.

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