Transgender? Sex, Sexuality, Orientation and Gender


Originally posted 2019-06-17 07:22:12.

‘Transgender’ is a catch-all term that is used, today, to include all forms of  ‘Gender Non-Conformity’ or (better) ‘Sex Non-Conformity’. These are expressions in which individuals, for a variety of reasons, reject the social norms of dress and behaviour. Most ‘transgenders’ in the West today are in fact expressing fashionable youthful rebellion, just as hippies, punks, New Romantics and Emos did, in their turn.

However, there are some for whom this is a much deeper issue. Individuals of one sex who wish to appear to be and even live as a member of the opposite sex, do exist, although the numbers are hard to pin down.

To understand this, we need to quickly recap on sex, sexuality and gender.




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Feminism promotes male transgenderism 1

Originally posted 2019-05-14 08:03:32.

Male non-homosexual gender dysphoria is being provoked by deliberate cultural stimuli that denigrate men and masculinity and promote women and femininity. Something is causing an uptick in it; while non-homosexual GD in women is actually increasing faster and in many ways is more worrying, there is still an unprecedented increase in the male form, AGP. This is the result of fifty years of feminism.

Some researchers have suggested that there might be an innate cause for AGP, but the characteristics of the condition do not support this. Non-homosexual Gender Dysphoria (GD) in males, otherwise known as autogynephilia or AGP, shows absolutely no consistency, especially in the modern context, where we see it as much broader than the original ‘fetishist masturbation as a woman’ model envisioned by Blanchard.


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Narcissistic Homosexual vs Autogynephilia

narcissistic homosexual

Originally posted 2019-01-09 06:20:54.

Are Narcissistic Homosexuality in males and Autogynephilia linked? I argue that they are.

Many have tried to negate the relationship between gender-dysphoric transition desire, and homosexuality. In one category, of course, this is futile. Homosexual Transsexuals (or true Transsexuals) are born with an innate condition called Sexual Inversion, which is the result of hormone-delivery anomalies in utero. This, being a biological effect, displays variation in intensity. So an aetiology is formed, with Transgender Homosexuals (feminine male and masculine female) at one end, and full Transsexuals (MtF and FtM) at the other. The precise point at which an individual sits depends on many factors; but they are on a relational scale of expressions of the same underlying phenomenon: innate Sexual Inversion. These individuals have normal levels of narcissism, in line with natal men and women.

books by rod fleming

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AGP desistance is harming HSTS


Originally posted 2018-12-28 09:57:08.

Desistance is the buzz word these days. Everybody’s doing it. They think they’re trans, they get the surgeries and then a few years later, woops we made a foopie. And then they have to get it all put back. One recent YouTube video was from a transman — thirteen different surgeries, no end of complications and some remedies that would make your eyes water –and then, 12 years later, desistance time. So, transsexual surgery, aka Genital Reconstruction Surgery or GRS, must be a waste of time, no? I mean if desistance is what happens?

[videopress OQevBYkX]

But this is a falsehood. I explain in depth in the video, but the fact is that the overwhelming demand for desistance comes from non-homosexual transitioners, that is, autogynephilic males and autoandrophilic females.

books by rod fleming

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Narcissistic rage attacks, marks of the transvestite

narcissistic rage

Originally posted 2022-08-28 14:56:13.

Narcissistic rage, grooming and predation are the hallmarks of the Autogynephilic transvestite.

Narcissistic rage, grooming and predation are the hallmarks of the autogynephilic transvestite, especially the Western elderly form. They are characteristic and more: a badge. All autogynephilic transvestites will at some point indulge narcissistic rage attacks. In other words,  they will all turn nasty in the end. Every single one.

Narcissistic rage attacks: mental condition

Other mental conditions may give rise to narcissistic rage attacks, but rarely are they as vicious, vituperative and mean as in the autogynephilic transvestite. Worse, narcissistic rage attacks provoke such men into plotting or even attempting to execute, strategems that will cause real harm to their victims. They will try to ruin careers and lives, marriages and even have children removed from the homes of their victims, on the basis of smears, lies and fantasy.

Sometimes, they may go further and attempt to persuade – or to pay – others to harm or even kill their victims. Fortunately, these most violent narcissistic rage attacks generally remain in the realm of fantasy, for autogynephilic transvestites are, typically, weak and ineffectual men; though sadly, not all. This is most marked once they have allowed their pseudo-feminine alter-ego, the autogynephilic artefact, to take control.

I’ll illustrate this with two cases, one well-known and the other not.

books by rod fleming

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Autogynephilia: a cure?

Originally posted 2018-12-08 03:32:29.

Autogynephilia is defined as ‘a man’s propensity to be aroused by the thought or image of himself as a woman’. It is a paraphilia or mental disorder which afflicts heterosexual men.

Autogynephilia is typified by a range of behaviours which the subject considers ‘womanly’. He gains sexualised or directly sexual gratification from them . These can range from cross-dressed masturbation to knitting to wearing typically female clothing under masculine work clothes. He may live full time as a woman and even undergo surgical transition, or he may be a ‘crossdreamer’ wherein all the cross gender gratification occurs in his imagination. All of these are symptoms of Autogynephilia.

Autogynephilia bears no relationship whatsoever to True or HomoSexual TransSexualism (HSTS) which is the natural end-point of Sexual Inversion, in which a subject of one sex has the sexuality normally associated with the other. Autogynephiles always remain ordinary men with an obsessive compulsive condition that makes them want to ‘be’ women. The question is, can it be cured?

books by rod fleming

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Autogynephilic males: a problem in the West but not in Asia

Autogynephilic males

Originally posted 2023-09-08 15:36:51.

Autogynephilic males are men, or at least males, who suffer from a narcissistic, auto-erotic paraphilia that causes them to be obsessed with their appearance – but as women.

Autogynephilic males are invariably heterosexual, in fact we might say ‘hyper-heterosexual;’ they are so consumed with lust for the feminine body that they turn themselves into pseudo-women. I have discussed this in great detail on this website and on my YouTube Channel.

books by rod fleming

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Types of ladyboys in the Philippines


I’m uploading this here because i have been asked by a follower to elaborate on the various  types of Trans expression found here.  I have covered this ground before but not in this form. So these are the types of ladyboys found in the Philippines.


Classifying the types of ladyboys in the Philippines is complicated because they are in part influenced by individual sexuality but also by the culture they appear in. The Philippines is similar to but not the same as other south-east Asian countries and markedly different, in significant ways, from the Anglo-West. It has a good deal in common with cultures found in both Latin America and Southern Europe but is not identical to either.

The Philippines itself does not have a homogeneous culture. There are two main reasons for this. The first is that the country is a huge archipelago of over seven thousand islands. In fact, new islands are being discovered all the time. Although many are not populated by humans, most are and this has led to significant cultural diversity between them. It has a population of approximately 120 million souls.

Ladyboys, Binibaes, ITrannymaxxers
Although she works in Thailand, Yuki is Filipina. Pic courtesy of Cine de Rose Ladyboys

The second cause is the location, on two major navigation routes: east-west and north-south. For hundreds if not thousands of years, visitors have been coming to the islands and implanting both their genes and their cultures. But these implantations have not been uniform; they have varied in effect greatly, say from Mindanao in the south to Luzon in the north.

The cover picture shows me with two ladyboys, just so you know its all real; one of them is Homosexual, the other Autogynephilic, but can you tell which is which?



A unique culture

Today, Filipino culture remains essentially Malay, which is part of the Austronesian language family, but on top of that are European/Christian influences, especially through Spain, as well as Arabic/Muslim, Chinese, Japanese, Korean and of course, US American ones. All of these have had an effect on the overall culture of the Philippines and the precise flavour of the mix is unique. There is no other country in the world quite like it.

Gays in Manila

Ladyboys and gays

In Asian Culture, the terms ladyboy and gay are the standard English translations for a plethora of local terms  such as bakla, kathoey, waria, nuhafu and many others, which all describe the same thing: an unmasculine male. Not all of these present as girls by any means but all consider themselves to be ‘girls inside.’ The dichotomy of gender identity here is not man and woman, but man and not-man. (Professor Don Kulick explains this well.) One is either a man or a not-man; that’s it. All the ridiculous made-up ‘genders’ that are so fashionable in the West are subsumed into one: not-man. To be a man, one must be male, masculine and a penetrator, in sexual terms. Everyone else is a not-man. I belabour this point because in the first place it is crucial to understanding gender in Southeast Asia, indeed anywhere outside the West and also because so many Westerners seem incapable of understanding it.

Essentially, ladyboys and their equivalents are unmasculine males who either pursue sexual and romantic relations with masculine men (not others like themselves,) or make a show of doing so. Note again, the Platonic notion of ‘like goes with like’ is regarded as absurd here; opposites attract, as is logical. Although some ladyboys do have sex with each other, this is situational: they can’t find men to do the honours. Ladyboys in relationships like this will typically identify as Bisexuals, of which more below.


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Homosexual Transsexual vs Autogynephilic males

Originally posted 2017-08-29 18:01:06.

By Guest author

Much has made about the differences between autogynephilic transvestites (AGP) and homosexual transsexuals (HSTS). However, most of this work remains largely clinical and as such, it fails to connect to the sympathies of the public. An exception to this of course being J. Michael Bailey’s The Man who would be Queen, an almost pop-science interpretation of the data on transsexualism. Even this, despite being a nice read, is written from the perspective of a researcher. What I am getting at, if not already obvious, is that not much is written from the perspective of Homosexual Transsexual women.

I am a Homosexual Transsexual woman, and was invited by Rod to write a piece or two based on my experiences. I don’t usually get to share these with other people, and I thought this a good opportunity. I won’t get into much about my childhood — after you’ve heard a couple of Homosexual Transsexual’s childhood remembrances, you’ve pretty much heard them all — but I will give some basics.


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Narcissistic Homosexual; a Gay Snake Charmer

narcissistic homosexual snake charmer

Originally posted 2018-11-27 07:42:08.

It is often not realised that the male homosexual culture of the West is not homogeneous but instead a conglomeration of several personality types. One of these is the Sexual Invert, which we have discussed at length. Another, just as important but much less well-understood, is the Narcissistic Homosexual.


‘Sexual Inverts’ are either male with female sexuality or female with male sexuality. In other words, their sexuality is the inverse of what might be expected for their sex. They were described by Karl Ulrichs and Havelock Ellis amongst others. Since gender is the means by which we communicate our sexuality to others, male inverts desire to be feminine and females, masculine. The specific expression ranges from, in males, mildly camp to full social, hormonal and surgical transition, to True or homosexual transsexualism, HSTS. (It is a scale of variation.)  All male sexual inverts are naturally more or less feminised and all female sexual inverts are naturally the opposite. They often have real difficulty living in the gender their sex would suggest.

Theirs is not, however, the only form that male homosexuality can take.

books by rod fleming

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