Kay Brown: an example of appropriation?

Candice 'Kay' Brown-Elliott

Originally posted 2022-02-14 15:42:22.

Observation in the Philippines casts light on an interesting group of Autogynephiles in the West. One of these, who is public, is called Candice ‘Kay Brown’ Elliott.

Kay Brown maintains a website discussing the scientific consensus about trans and has even written a book about it. She has been claiming for decades that she is HSTS and loses no opportunity, in her writing, to support this claim. However even cursory examination of her body morphology and career indicates that this diagnosis would be unlikely.


A more plausible explanation would be that Kay Brown is Autogynephilic, but that within her family, middle-class and liberal, her feminisation was accepted because she explained it as a consequence of homosexuality. Ever since then, Brown has maintained this facade, marrying a man and becoming ‘mother’ to his children. In other words, while their motivations are definitely different, it is not always easy to tell between HSTS and AGP.

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What is gender? A few questions and answers


Originally posted 2021-03-12 17:32:31.

What is gender? Sabia Bia is one of my YouTube Channel commentators and this week she posted a number of interesting questions on the topic of gender as appropriate to trans women.

More space than was reasonable to use on YT was required and further, Yt is now heavily censoring content. So I have put answers to her questions about gender here.

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Autogynephilic men: cure or management?

Originally posted 2018-12-19 06:43:49.

Autogynephilia is ‘a man’s propensity to be aroused by the thought or image of himself as a woman’ (Blanchard)

Autogynephilia is the cause of all non-homosexual Gender Dysphoria in males. This is completely different in nature from Homosexual Gender Dysphoria (HGD), which is a function of Congenital Sexual Inversion and  leads to Homosexual Transsexualism or HSTS. It bears no relationship to Autogynephilia.

Briefly, Completed Sexual Inverts or HSTS are indeed Transsexual, but Autogynephiles are transvestites, even though the source of their sexual satisfaction might not be clothing per se. Essentially, the body they inhabit becomes the ‘woman suit.’

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A House in France: Finding and buying

Originally posted 2018-10-21 06:37:51.

There can be no question that actually finding a property is one of the most exciting phases of the whole process of acquiring a house in France.

The doorstep that is two inches too low to prevent the quagmire outside seeping into the house, the drainage system made of two-inch pipe that turns the courtyard into a lake when it blocks, which of course it will do several times every winter, the dripping and split gutters, the multitude of little leaks in the roof, the rising damp and the access road that has turned into a single-lane swamp. All of these delights will provide you and your partner – if you have one – with hours of after-dinner chat.

There are some serious questions to ask, though.


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Transsexual women attract straight men. How?

The Sex Market

Originally posted 2021-03-11 18:53:25.

It’s easy to see why men are attracted to transsexual women — they’re gorgeous — but how do they cope with the presence of a penis, if she has one?

This is a transsexual woman.

What is a transsexual woman?

First of all, when I use the term ‘transsexual woman’ I’m referring to a HomoSexual Transsexual, HSTS, otherwise known as a True Transsexual. This person will have had Childhood/Early Onset or Homosexual Gender Dysphoria. I am not referring to non-homosexual transitioners, who are ordinary men with an obsessive-compulsive delusion called Autogynephilia or AGP which they have let get out of hand. These individuals are Pseudo-Transsexual. They feel a different form of Dysphoria and are essentially high-performing (or not) transvestites.


Girls have dicks too

So how does it work? All boys, when they are little, believe that girls have a penis just like they do, although they may either forget this or lie about it in later life. This was  first described by Sigmund Freud and led him to his theory of Castration Anxiety. Freud was not the only one to notice this and it has been well documented. Boys, if they see a naked girl, will assume she is hiding her penis; that she has ‘tucked it in’.

books by rod fleming

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Sex Tourism: right or wrong?

Originally posted 2018-10-12 11:30:28.

What is ‘sex tourism’? It’s a subject that generates a great deal of copy and little enlightenment. Is it just ‘mongering’, the practice of buying sex, but this time in foreign lands? And if it were, why would there be anything wrong with that?

Is it any sex abroad? Is having sex when you’re on holiday ‘sex tourism’?  What about if you live abroad and occasionally have dalliances with the locals? Sex tourism? What about, in the same country, if you marry a local? Still ‘sex tourism’?


What does ‘sex tourism’ actually mean? Is it really a thing, or is it just another nasty epithet that the lowest of the low, rabidfems, use to try to shame men into behaving by the rules that they and other feminazis set, without ever getting a say in defining those rules?  Can women be ‘guilty’ of ‘sex tourism’, or is that just holiday fucking?

books by rod fleming


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Wolf pack: analogy of male homosexuality


Originally posted 2018-10-15 10:57:00.

Wolf pack social hierarchies give a useful insight into homosexual male society in the West, the New Gay Man culture.

The great myth of ‘gay sex’ is that it occurs between two big alpha males. In reality, usually what happens is that weaker, submissive males offer themselves for, or are simply coerced into, sex with an alpha male, to use the wolf-pack analogy.

Wolf packs contain both patriarchal and matriarchal hierarchies, which makes them even more interesting, but for now we’ll concentrate on the male, patriarchal side.

There is a phenomenon called ‘situational homosexuality’. In this, weaker males may sexually pair with stronger ones, if women are not present or available. One example of this is ‘prison sex’ which occurs in all-male prisons (we’re only discussing male homosexuality here. )



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Nature or Nurture: the debate

sexuality with rod fleming

Originally posted 2022-02-12 13:00:32.

The ‘nature or nurture’ debate has been central to the discussion of sexuality for over two hundred years. In brief, the nature school  believes that human behaviour is largely inherited, while nurturists believe it is the result of experiences in childhood, particularly in our interactions with our parents and siblings.

The nature or nurture argument over sexuality spreads out into other areas of thought. So let’s examine it.

substackWhat does ‘nature or nurture’ mean?

The nature school is sometimes called ‘Essentialism’. It is fundamental to the Christian concept of Original Sin, which insists that we are not sinners by choice or because of our background, but because we are human. Our nature is that of sinner and Christ came to absolve us of this. That is how is possible for a newborn infant to be a sinner, in the eyes of Christians, even if she has done nothing other than suck her mother’s tit; sin is innate to being human. However, human nature, so hated by the Constructionists, is not seen as a flaw by the nature school but rather the source of our strength. It is what binds us together and makes us human, for better or worse.

nature or nurture
Nature or nurture. How likely is it that this girl is as she is because of her childhood environment?

Nurturism is sometimes called the ‘blank slate’ or tabula rasa. It was present in the thinking of men like Rousseau, an eighteenth-century philosopher whose thinking gave rise to many of the social movements we know today. It is also central to Marxist dogma, for example. In many ways it is a  development of the idea of individual autonomy, which informed the cultural revolution of the era and gave us the Enlightenment. Nothing is written and we are all able to shape every detail of our lives independently of the past. Today it is commonly known as ‘Constructionism’.


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Why would a man not want to date a trans woman?

Originally posted 2018-10-05 06:25:07.

Something that I have thought about a lot over the last ten years is this: why would a man not want to date a trans woman? I see, practically on a daily basis, the hot stares of men as they scope a trans woman. Men can’t stop themselves.

Most amusing, perhaps, is the Western male, the Anglo-Saxon particularly (Mediterranean types have a different take on life.) So often I have been sitting in a bar watching one of them, or sometimes in the same company. I have seen them practically salivating over a girl nearby, and then their reactions as one of their companions leans forward and murmurs something crass like ‘You’ll get more than you expect with that one, mate, it’s a bloke!’

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