Identifying HSTS: Congenital Sexual Inversion

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Originally posted 2022-03-25 08:21:35.


Identifying  a genuinely pre-transsexual HSTS is relatively straightforward. But before we get to  the symptoms, let’s look at the cause of it. It’s called Congenital Sexual Inversion.

This idea was established over a century ago. It describes a  person who has the opposite Sexuality from the norm for his or her Sex. So,  Inverted males have female Sexuality and females have male. This is  important because the performed elements of Gender are directly related to Sexuality. Those  with female sexuality will naturally have feminine Gender and vice versa.  This is irrespective of their birth Sex, since Sexual Inversion means that Sex  and Sexuality don’t always match.

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There are four basic parameters to consider: Sex, Sexuality, Gender and Gender Dysphoria.

Sex, of course, is the product of our chromosomes; everyone is either male (XY) or female (XX), apart from a small number who have chromosomal or hormonal anomalies, who are usually called ‘intersex’ – but here too, their condition is defined by their chromosomes. Sex can never be changed.

Sexuality describes our basic sexual impulse. It is either male or female. Male is sometimes called Active and is the desire to penetrate and female is Passive or the desire to be penetrated. In most people these are aligned but in a small percentage of individuals this is not so, because of Congenital Sexual Inversion. This results in males with female sexuality and females with male sexuality.

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Gender evolved principally as a mating strategy. Human females use it to signal availability to males. This probably began when we stood up and it became impossible to observe a woman’s vulva, so other methods were required. While gender has other facets, its main purpose is to advertise our sexuality. So people with male sexuality should have masculine gender and people with female sexuality should have feminine gender. But because this, in humans, is not a simple function of the visible state of excitation of the vulva, many other attractors have evolved, both physical and behavioural. These are what we call ‘gender’.


So how does Congenital Sexual Inversion happen?

In the late 19th century a number of researchers, including Magnus Hirschfeld, identified ‘Congenital Sexual Inversion’. This concept was developed at length by the English writer Henry Havelock Ellis. Sigmund Freud also agreed with this, though with some reservations. But nobody knew why this was happening.

In the 1960s, paradoxically just as the term Sexual Inversion was becoming unfashionable politically, research began to provide the first solid evidence of a physical cause for it. This showed that hormonal balance in utero was responsible for adult sexuality and gender behaviour. In other words, both Sexual Inversion and Gender itself are innate; they are not learned behaviours. Since then, numerous other studies have been carried out, which support the same basic premise.

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Homosexual Gender Dysphoria

This is the discomfort an individual experiences when his or her Gender and Sexuality are not aligned. There may be many reasons for this, but they mostly devolve to social intolerance. For example, a boy may elect to live as a ‘gay man’ because the society around him is transphobic and he may fear being ostracised, beaten or even killed. Manifestly, this is so in the West. (There are other forms of Gender Dysphoria which we will discuss elsewhere.)

Because Sexuality and Gender are both innate and closely related, we should expect children who have Congenital Sexual Inversion to exhibit a development consistent with that of the opposite sex, at around the same ages. This is what we do see.

Sexually Inverted children will begin displaying what is called ‘Gender Non Conforming’ behaviour as early as  thirty months. This is actually ‘Sex Non-Conforming’ behaviour, since is it is completely in line with their Gender, but nonconforming to their Sex. So I use the term Sex Non Conforming or SNC.


The indicators might be a preference for opposite-sex toys and clothing, hair, roles in play, names and so on. In many cases these effects fade in time as Sexuality crystallises, but in the genuine Sexual Invert the opposite will happen. They will become ‘persistent, insistent and consistent’.

Children in the early stages of development are sexualised in that they understand that they get pleasant feelings from their genitalia, but they are not eroticised, that is, they do not connect these feelings to relations with another person. As the child develops, typically he or she will develop ‘crushes’. These are romantic, rather than sexualised attachments to members of the eventual target sex. Girls, typically, will crush – often heavily – on older men and boys will crush on girls. These are not sexualised but nevertheless can be strong. Sexual Inverts will follow the pattern typical of the opposite sex.

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As development progresses, the romantic crushes and pleasurable feelings from the genitalia become linked. By Tanner Stage 4, in males sometimes called the ‘spermarche’ and in females associated with the onset of menstruation, this will be established.

So, if we take the case of a classic male Sexual Invert, sometimes called a ‘transkid’ or a pre-transsexual child, we can note a number of diagnostic phenomena which appear over a period from around 30 months to about 12 or 13 years. These will be predictable and consistent. They will include toy and clothing preferences, hair length preference, name preference, game and role preferences. As puberty approaches, these will not diminish, rather the inverse and by Tanner Stage 2, usually 11-13 years in males, they will be added to by an increasingly intense sexual desire for the target sex.

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It follows that in the age-range 11 to 13, young males and their carers must make a decision. That is because the physical changes brought about by testosterone in puberty are NOT reversible. These will include: development of male musculature and skeleton; body and facial hair; deepening of voice; development of brow ridge and Adam’s apple; tallness and so on.



Since the object of intervention in a male Sexual Invert is not to produce a ‘trans woman’ but a fully passable woman, it should begin in that critical 11-13 age range. This intervention should include both anti-androgens and oestrogen. The object should be to replicate the hormonal levels found in a normal cis-girl of the same age as closely as possible. (WPATH guidelines advise beginning anti-androgens, sometimes called ‘puberty blockers’ then but delaying oestrogen till age sixteen. This is unnecessary, the two should begin at the same time.)

The changes effected by feminising HRT in males are fully reversible, just with the male body’s own testosterone. Stop the HRT, and normal male puberty will progress. Therefore the risk, in beginning HRT early, is minimal. Unfortunately, groups called ‘Gender Critical’ who oppose any transition for political reasons, exaggerate this. It is important to realise that a young male, who satisfies the conditions above, will NEVER be a conventional heterosexual man. He will either be a ‘gay man’ or a woman. Clearly, it is better for such individuals to realise themselves and be the women they are.

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For parents and carers, this is important because there remain serious obstacles, in the West. The first is a hangover attitude that proceeds from the pernicious, often unstated assumption, that ‘gay is always better’. So, affirming a boy’s femininity becomes ‘cementing in unwanted behaviours’. Unwanted by whom? Unless your intent were to prevent transition and steer boys towards the gay meat market, why would confirming their status as girls be ‘unwanted’? Unfortunately, this attitude remains all too commonplace.

The next issue is that many professionals in this area are woefully ignorant of the subject they claim to be expert in. Frequently they do not understand the difference between HSTS (completed Congenital Sexual Inverts) and Autogynephilia (a paraphilic condition of heterosexual men, related to other similar fetishes.) As a result their advice is at best misleading.

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Another obstacle, in this case structural, is that in many countries the provision of gender care is minimal. In England, for example, there is only one non-private clinic, the Portman Institute (formerly the Portman and Tavistock) which deals with people under eighteen. Waiting times for a FIRST appointment there are now over three years. At the same time, even the minimal protections that trans people have, in UK, are under attack from ‘Gendercrits’ and TERFs and as a result, we can look forward to no improvement.

This means that the affected individuals and their carers must educate themselves and be prepared to take action. Where difficulties sourcing appropriate HRT are encountered, self-medication becomes a necessity.

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