Islam today is the greatest threat faced by Enlightened Culture. It is far more imminent than Climate Change and The threat of nuclear war, at least between the major powers, is grossly exaggerated.
Islam is hard for a Westerner to understand, since we are conditioned by our root religion, Christianity, to think of religion per se as being peace-loving. But this is wrong. Many religious cults have been warlike and Christianity, with its core message of forgiveness, is unusual.
Islam could not be more different. It was conceived as a direct replacement of the most powerful empire the world had known till then, the Roman, allegedly by a bandit who thrived on killing, enslavement, theft and extortion, called Mohammed.
Islam contains, amongst its other evils, a particular device specifically intended to dupe its intended victims into believing that it is innocent: taqiyya. While Muslims are required to be honest with each other, no such courtesy is extended to kaffirs, Taqiyya and its equivalents describe lying, dissembling, concealing the truth and misdirecting ‘in the interest of Islam.’ All Muslims are required to do this. Taqiyya itself is a Shia word that means that literally nothing a Muslim says in the presence of a non-Muslim can be trusted or taken at face value. They have used it to infiltrate Western Enlightened societies that they intend to destroy as soon as they can.
Notably, even the denials of the meaning of taqiyya and its Sunni equivalents, are themselves examples of taqiyya!
Unfortunately, gullible liberals in Enlightened cultures have been taken in by this, to the point that there is almost no Western nation that has not been infected with Islam. In France and Germany today, this situation is becoming explosive and others will soon follow, unless they have the wisdom, as Hungary has, to exclude Muslims.
In order to counter the specious arguments of Muslims and their Western apologists, it is necessary to study Islam, preferably beginning with the core texts. That is what this page sets out to enable you to do.
Islamic Texts
The Koran (Qu’ran) is not the sole core islamic text. In fact the Koran comprises under 20% of it. It consists of the messages claimed to have been received by Mohammed from ‘Allah’, via the Angel Gabriel. The other vital documents are contained in the Sira, the biography of Mohammed, and the Hadith, the anecdotes and alleged eyewitness accounts surrounding his life. Together, these make up the Sunna.
Because the Koran is not ordered chronologically and it is necessary, because of the Doctrine of Abrogation, to know when a Koran verse was ‘received’ in order to assess its strength, serious students have to refer to the Sira and Hadith.
However, there is another way to assess the true nature of Islam, and this is to bear in mind that Mohammed was ‘the perfect man’ whom all Muslims are required to emulate as closely as possible.
Reading the Sira and Hadith will reveal that Mohammed, while beginning his ministry peacefully, soon turned to violence and by doing so, increased his followers and wealth immeasurably. Violence, misogyny, forced conversion, enslavement, genocide and rape are not peripheral to Islam, as such study will prove, but absolutely central to it.
Mohammed, if he lived, was a gangster; a murderous, immoral bandit who made up a ‘religion’ to get himself rich. Today, Islam is the most toxic social poison to afflict humanity. Thorough reading of the texts can lead to no other conclusion.
It is this life, that of a bandit who, in a civilised culture, would have been hunted down and put to death for his crimes, that Muslims must emulate.
robert Spencer.
The Koran is not easy to read and it seems to try to fool the reader. Thankfully the scholar Robert Spencer, who is director of Jihad Watch, has published a book that simplifies reading enormously and I recommend it.
The Koran (Qur’an)
Quran—Saheeh-International-Translation-– (‘Saheeh’ or ‘Sahih’ just mean ‘reliable.’) This is an approved translation.
Quran-by-Pickthall (A solid version made hard to read by the use of archaic English.)
The-Koran-translated—N-J-Dawood (This is the most readable version, by one of the greatest Orientalists of his era; but it is rejected by Islamic scholars because Dawood was not himself a Muslim.) Dawood also translated The Rubaiyyat of Omar Khayyam..
Quran-by-Yusuf-Ali (Another authorised version.)
Finally, you should read this appraisal of the ‘Doctrine of Abrogation’. This doctrine is essential to understanding Islam and how it behaves in the context of the Qur’an. PIG_abrogration_naskh
Interpretation of the meaning of the Qur’an – Hilali Khan
The Hadith
Sahih al-Bukhari downloads
For discussion of these please see my post The Hadith: Sahih al-Bukhari.
(Full versions, PDF download: large files.)
The Sira
The Sira is the biography of Mohammed. A free downloadable copy can be accessed via the following link:
This is now available in the full range of downloadable formats including text, pdf and epub etc.
Sharia, or Islamic Law, is the distillation of the Koran, Sira and Hadith into a life-code that all Muslims must obey without question. It can never be modified in any way, and this is one of the reasons why Islam is incompatible with modern democracy; its innate and immutable violence, misogyny, racism and complete contempt for human life, freedom and dignity are others.
Sharia is contained in a text called ‘The Reliance of the Traveller.’ Unsurprisingly, Muslims are reluctant for the content of this document to be made public, so I have been asked to remove the link that was formerly here, to material previously held on my site. However I have replaced this with links to other sites that host the text and have nothing to do with me. It is likely that Muslims will continue to attempt to prevent access to these texts, which were written 700 years ago and are therefore out of copyright. Their real objection, of course, is that the truth about Islam is revealed in them.
The following links to a full text of Reliance. I’ve linked it behind a picture because they constantly try to remove these documents.
The following links to a Theos article which is, if anything, too lenient. There can be no room for Sharia n a democracy — so can Islam itself be tolerated?
The following links to an article describing the situation in Russia, where the Muslim position is clearly stated: Muslims are at home here and native Russians are foreigners
Muslims constantly take down sites that host copies of this, using copyright law as a pretext. We suspect there are other motives too. If all else fails, you can buy a copy of the Reliance of the Traveller here (expensive):
The Doctrine of Abrogation. (Naskh)
The contradictions in the Koran make it nonsensical and one can easily be deceived, by Muslims practising taqiyya, into believing that these permit different and even conflicting interpretations of it. This can be refuted by study of the Sira and Hadith, but understanding the Doctrine of Abrogation remains crucial. It is well explained in my article HERE
and below
An article about the ‘Doctrine of Abrogation’ or ‘naskh’ in Arabic.
Note: I no longer use the terms ‘Quran’ or ‘Qur’an’. By using these constructions, which do not exist in English, we submit to the will of muslims; this is something we must never do. It is a sop to muslim sensibilities which we need not concern ourselves with. The word ‘Koran’ better conveys the actual sound of the word to English speakers.