Congratulations on our Independence

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Originally posted 2020-02-01 02:54:55.

Congratulations to everyone on the event of Britain’s independence, at last, from the monstrosity of the EU. This bureaucratic behemoth attempted to satisfy the never-ending demand of Germany for total control of Europe while building a state system to rival the USSR.

During the time of Britain’s enthralment to the EU, our farming industry was wrecked, our fishing industry decimated, our steel industry wiped out and our motor industry crushed. We were forced to throw our allies and friends in the Commonwealth under the bus, destroying large sections of their industries too.

Wage rates have been suppressed by cheap immigrant labour; we have had to follow literally tbousands of rules that we did not set. The list of calumny perpetrated by this odious gobalist project never ends. And all for what? Some holidays in the sun.

The EU did not preserve peace in Europe; disarming Germany did that. But even before the dust has settled on Brexit, the menace of an EU army – a new Wehrmacht – has resurfaced. How long before it will be used, as the Red Army once was, to whip the awkward into line? The Poles and the Czechs had plenty of ‘education’, Soviet style; how long before they enjoy the same from a supranational, globalist superstate that has such staggering arrogance and lack of self awareness as to fly the flag of the Council of Europe – a human rights organisation – as if it were its own? At least the Soviet Red Flag did not show the blood.

We have much still to do. The separatist movements in Scotland and Wales, given such succour by the EU and its globalist lackeys like Blair and which the EU continues to support, will have to be addressed and dealt with. The staggering incompetence of the incumbent administrations in these regions will help but a delicate touch will be required – delicate and firm. We are one nation, under one flag and one Parliament and that nation is Britain.

Meantime, though, enjoy. Have a few beers, a few laughs, celebrate the moment. Let your hair down, have fun and later, make some bouncing British babies. We won at last. Savour the victory.

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