The Case of Ms. Taken Identity: Amanda Grimes

Originally posted 2018-04-02 11:52:33.

The Case of Ms. Taken Identity


Amanda Grimes  




As a fully transitioned transsexual I have often heard the phrase “Gender Identity”, in fact it is contained within the name of the disorder with which I was diagnosed, but never have I ever stopped to consider the validity or accuracy of this term until recently. In a recent comments thread on a Youtube video where a somewhat vocal and clearly autogynephilic trans activist was constantly making the argument for her validity as a “real woman” based upon the existence of her self-declared “female identity”. The question “Do you have a gender identity?” was posited to me by another HSTS woman on the thread.

My initial response was to say “No or if I do I am unaware of it”. However, on reflection it seemed to me that question required a deeper examination rather than just a cursory dismissal. Also it raised the question for me that, if I do have a gender identity, what if any part did it play in my decision to transition?


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Gender fluidity: canard or conundrum?

Originally posted 2017-01-30 10:14:50.

Gender fluidity has come much under the spotlight in recent years. It has been suggested that there are ‘thousands of genders’, that ‘gender is a spectrum of gradations’ and even that it doesn’t exist. Yet if you walk down the street in any part of the world, you will see two genders. So how can this be?

This baffling conundrum is what you get when people don’t do enough research. In fact, BOTH the binary model and the gender-spectrum model are valid; but their relationship is being wilfully misunderstood.


In large parts of the world, but best documented in South America and Asia, the principal gender division is not between men and women but between men and ‘not-men’. I have referred to this before and it was well described by Prof Don Kulick in his 1998 book ‘Travesti’.

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Biological sex is real; to say otherwise is a lie

Originally posted 2017-07-10 21:15:04.

This is a vagina and female reproductive organs. If you are born with these you are FEMALE

The nonsense that biological sex has no basis in reality and that a person can be changed from male to female  is just that, nonsense.

With the exception of a very small number of individuals, in which cases we can always identify a specific genetic irregularity, all humans are either male or female. So there are TWO SEXES. We are not tilapia, frogs or molluscs, and these sexes are fixed FOR LIFE. This is what we observed when we did basic biology in school.

This is a penis and associated structures. If you were born with one of these you are MALE








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Sex, Sexuality and Gender: Part One


Originally posted 2020-12-01 15:01:20.

Sex is determined by chromosomal makeup. In humans, this has specific and recognisable morphological effects that place the individual into a recognisable set. Sex is either Male or Female, in normal humans. Males have penises and testes and females have vaginas and ovaries. There are some rare conditions which may result in an indeterminate physical condition. These are called Intersex. For almost all humans, however, Sex can accurately be determined at birth, just by looking at the genitalia.

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Being a Tomboy — and Enid Blyton


Originally posted 2021-11-14 19:39:52.

In the West, tomboy behaviour in childhood is mostly just role-play and should be treated as such — with good-humoured tolerance. Girls want to enjoy the fun in the same way as boys do, because prior to puberty, they are not really different at all. Indeed in many cultures, pre-pubertal boys and girls are not differentiated. They play the same games and wear similar clothes.

Tomboy behaviour is not necessarily indicative of Sexual Inversion, whereas persistent feminine behaviour in a boy is more likely to be.

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We know this because of the number of adult women who claim to have been ‘very boyish’ as children, but are now heterosexual or cis-lesbian. It would be rare indeed to find a straight man being quite so open about girly behaviour in his childhood; the only males who do that, in my experience, are either ‘gay’ or transsexual — ie they are Sexually Inverted.


An interesting example comes from the children’s author Enid Blyton. The wokos are trying to cancel her right now, so a nod in her direction seems appropriate, given that, being dead, she can’t fight back herself (always the kind of adversary preferred by woko scumbags.)

In Blyton’s Famous Five series (actually four kids and a dog) one of the girls, Georgina, was a classic tomboy. She  insisted on being called ‘George’, wore her hair cropped short and boys clothes and if I remember right, enjoyed whittling sticks with a penknife. (Timmy the dog belonged to her.) In fact she was portrayed as more masculine than one of the two boys, Dick. She was also a more vibrant and rounded character than the other girl, Anne, the youngest of the tetrad. She was Suzie Creamcheese personified.


George…imitates traditional masculinity as an attempt to receive equal treatments. She over-compensates…to…hide any traces of being a girl…perhaps George is a transman; a boy trapped in a girl’s body… it is clear that Blyton intended George’s character as someone who breaks away from tradition.
Sukanya Balaji

Most of Blyton’s work is observational so I have no doubt at all that she knew a girl like this well at one point; or George might even have been a portrait of herself, for she was a determined, successful career woman. The character is just too alive for it to be entirely fictional and I speak as an author of fiction who spends a lot of effort on characterisation. Blyton did not elaborate on George’s later life, but given that the first in the series was written in 1942, it does make you think!

books by rod fleming

The Sex Market

The Sex Market

Originally posted 2023-06-05 19:43:16.

An essential part of the closed sex market is that women must be the only permissible sexual providers. But the fact is that men are not so fussy. In the dark, well, then — one cul is much like another, n’est-ce pas?


This is one of the most interesting questions. Most males, as teenagers, would have no issues with having sexual experiences with another boy; indeed, across the planet, such behaviours are normal. As Dr JM Bailey said, it seems that men are conditioned later to reject them. That doesn’t mean that they would prefer it, but simply that, left to themselves, they would not be shamed by their teenage jerking sessions with other boys.

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The history of transsex: some notes

Originally posted 2022-11-16 17:41:46.

Researching the history of transsex is not at all easy. In the first place, the activities of transwomen, feminised males and sex workers are rarely considered appropriate material for men of letters to discuss. Even where such histories were written, cultural revisionists have done everything they could to erase them, with much original material being deliberately destroyed.

However, here are a few examples.

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Explaining transsexualism

Originally posted 2016-07-14 12:19:18.

geena-rocero-transsexualismTranssexualism is high profile these days. But what actually causes it? Who are transsexuals? Since there is clearly a deal of ignorance over this, I’m going to go  over the explanations again, in a short series of articles.

Women trapped in men’s bodies?

Many people are familiar with the idea that male -to-female (MtF) transsexuals, or transwomen, are ‘women trapped in men’s’ bodies. At the same time, they probably have heard the inverse about Female to Male (FtM) transsexuals or transmen. That is to say, they are ‘men trapped in women’s’ bodies.

A moment’s reflection should make anyone with a brain ask a pertinent question: how can they possibly  know that?

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The Fraud called Tailcalled is Carl Dybdahl


Originally posted 2022-11-06 13:33:56.

Today’s first piece is an update to my last, about a Fraud called Tailcalled. I could just update that but a new one will get more coverage. So, ladies and gentlemen, I give you Carl Dybdahl, aka ‘Tailcalled’.

I have now confirmed that ‘Tailcalled’ is in fact a man and that the picture he uses is a fake. He confessed on Twitter that it is actually an AI-generated image. So to all his fans, sorry, this is not your man.

In fact, this is ‘Tailcalled’.


His real name is Carl Dybdahl and he is a software engineer living in Copenhagen. Carl has confirmed this identification by his reaction to my posting certain details.

Carl made the mistake of attacking me personally from behind his false identity, on YouTube. I imagine he might think twice before doing that again. I shall refrain from further comment on the person, though I will on his methodology, in the future.

I shall post another piece about why we have to destroy the internet culture of anonymity.

books by rod fleming

Trans debate: My position in a vicious debate

trans debate

Originally posted 2021-05-03 18:30:10.

This is an unusual post for me. It is likely that my web presence will have to be significantly modified in the future. I’m afraid Covid-19 has caught up with us and we have lost all our sponsorships and support. This website generates no income and is really a vanity. So things will have to change and it is likely that I shall use other media more in the future.

However, before beginning these changes, I want to make a few things quite clear, regarding the ‘trans debate’, if something so vicious can be called a debate.

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