Originally posted 2020-08-26 02:31:40.
Women are adults of feminine gender. Or are you telling me this is a man? I think, if you are, you need to visit SpecSavers
Originally posted 2020-08-26 02:31:40.
Women are adults of feminine gender. Or are you telling me this is a man? I think, if you are, you need to visit SpecSavers
Originally posted 2019-12-05 06:31:32.
For a male and female to live continuously together is biologically speaking, an extremely unnatural condition. Robert Briffault
Robert Briffault (1876-1948) was a French surgeon who moved to Britain. His interest spread to anthropology and he later became a successful novelist. He was a polymath, a raconteur and a wit. He described the condition we live in, the Soviet Union of Sex, perfectly.
Below is Briffault’s Law, which is one of the most important pieces of social anthropology you’ve never heard of.
‘Where the female can derive no benefit from association with the male, no such association takes place.’
By ‘association’, Briffault specifically meant a sexual encounter. His Law has an effect every time a man and a woman have sex as well as in the broader context of ongoing relationships. The consequences of this affect everyone and lay the foundations of the Soviet Union of Sex.
Continue reading “Robert Briffault and the Soviet Union of Sex”
Originally posted 2020-07-05 13:00:49.
Originally posted 2020-07-03 13:05:11.
We are currently, in 2020, in a crisis in which young Sexual Inverts, sometimes called gender non-conforming children, sex non-conforming children, pre-transsexual children or just transkids, are under a level of attack not seen since the 1980s. This comes largely from a disparate and thoroughly poisonous group calling themselves ‘gender critical’ or ‘gendercrit activists’.
This group appeared about ten years ago and is partly comprised of various flavours of radical feminists who believe, erroneously, that gender is a ‘social construct’. If HSTS is what it is claimed to be, then two things logically must follow. One is that Sexual Inversion is a real thing and the second is that gender must be related to sexuality. It cannot be formed by ‘socialisation’ but instead is the innate means by which an individual expresses and communicates his or her sexuality. This destroys the greater part of feminist dogma and so these feminists would like to see HSTS erased. Prominent in their ranks are Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull, aka ‘Posie Parker’, Anne Ruzylo, in the featured picture and Graham Linehan, a television screenwriter. (See HERE)
Originally posted 2021-04-01 13:39:37.
Once these are understood, the whole of human sexuality — and society –resolves into focus.
Continue reading “Human Society is for reproduction. Sex matters.”
Originally posted 2022-03-10 19:15:56.
Women and men are different, despite the fashionable orthodoxies. These differences are innate and they have an unexpected usefulness. The differences between women and men carry forward into the discussion of Transsexuals and transvestites.
Continue reading “Homosexual Transsexual and Transvestite: not the same.”
Originally posted 2020-05-06 14:57:22.
LeNTAS: Let’s Not Talk About Sex. That’s what ‘SOGIE’ really means. For those who have not heard of this utter nonsense, the initials SOGIE stand for ‘Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity and Expression’. It is an excrescence of so-called ‘queer theory’ — something that has no scientific basis whatsoever, so should be called ‘queer opinion’.
Anyway, this particular dose of bunkum has at its centre the propaganda that Sexual Orientation (whom you are attracted to) has nothing to do with either your ‘Gender Identity’ or how you ‘Express’ that.
Originally posted 2021-03-25 17:03:10.
Alfred Kinsey was one of the 20th century’s most important sex researchers. Kinsey was a biologist and, as such, knew that all biological phenomena exhibit scales of variation. Kinsey’s original scale referenced male homosexuality.
0 Exclusively heterosexual with no homosexual experience
1 Predominantly heterosexual, only incidentally homosexual
2 Predominantly heterosexual, but more than incidentally homosexual
3 Equally heterosexual and homosexual
4 Predominantly homosexual, but more than incidentally heterosexual
5 Predominantly homosexual, but incidentally heterosexual
6 Exclusively homosexual, with no heterosexual experience
[ebook_store ebook_id=”18643″]
Continue reading “Scales of Sexuality: measuring degrees of trans”
Originally posted 2022-03-07 16:39:23.
First of all, let’s state what gender is not – it is not sex. Sex and gender are not synonymous. We might summarise it by saying ‘gender is what gets us into bed and sex is what we do once we’re there.’
Sex refers to a system of reproduction. In sexually dimorphic species, like us, there are two sexes. One has a system that produces a large, immotile gamete, or sex cell and the other a small, rapidly moving one. The former is called female and the latter male. The small gamete, called a sperm cell, carries an X or a Y chromosome. The larger one is called an ovum and, since these are produced in females, who only have X sex chromosomes, all ova are X. When the sperm and ovum come together, they produce a new individual with either XX (female) or XY (male) chromosomal sex or karotype. Thus, sex is fixed for life and cannot be changed.