RIP My Lovely


Originally posted 2014-01-08 18:13:22.

Sniff! She died. She’s been with me these last five years, and she’d been around a good few years before we met. She was like a female character out of a Springsteen lyric, kinda worn and raggedy, but she stuck with me through thick and thin.  I don’t know how many films or repeats of TV series I’ve watched with her, or how many words I wrote with her, but I do know the paint was gone from most of her keys at the end…I did explain it was my old laptop that died, didn’t I?

books by rod fleming


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Originally posted 2013-12-30 21:09:44.

Ever seen a real man-trap?

My neighbour was given this with a load of other bits and bobs. She thought it was a toy, but closer examination made me disagree. For a start, it was quite clearly a gun of some order, but it didn’t have any kind of handle. There wasn’t a conventional trigger either.

It might have been a toy cannon, but it didn’t have a carriage. Yet opening it up revealed that it was chambered to take a real twelve-bore shotgun cartridge. Plus it’s made of very heavy cast iron. It’s just not like a child’s toy at all.

books by rod fleming

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Slugs and Snails and Tomato Plants?

Originally posted 2013-07-01 00:40:18.


tomato photo
My surviving tomato plant

Tomato Plants on the agenda again

Tomato plants? Well, spring in France this year was the worst I can remember, and so far summer has not been much better. By this time I should be on first-name terms with the community of lizards that live in my courtyard, but this year, hardly a hello. They’re all still hiding.


Mind you, it’s not been so bad for all the critters in the yard. My pet hate, les limaces, our delightful Burgundian slugs, are positively thriving. I mean, these ones are not shy, they don’t even try to hide, and they’re bright orange anyway. Maybe it’s a warning that they taste disgusting. I’ll let someone else find out. What I do know is they like my tomato plants. Continue reading “Slugs and Snails and Tomato Plants?”

The Realpolitik of Islamism

Originally posted 2013-06-30 21:26:45.


Realpolitik: the Battle of Vienna

It is now over twenty years since the fall of the Berlin Wall; for many young people, the Cold War, of which it was the most compelling symbol, is no more than a history lesson. In my desk here I have a small piece of concrete, with paint on, which was recovered from that wall and sold as a tourist trinket. It is perhaps the most telling one I have.

Our children do not, as those of my generation did, live in daily fear of being blown to pieces by atomic bombs or dying an agonising death from radiation sickness. They do not walk into their schools to find posters saying “Better Dead Than Red” on the walls, nor do they crowd around flickering television sets alongside their anguished parents, watching as Kennedy drew his line in the ocean, and curled his finger around the trigger of nuclear Armageddon. And for this we should all be very, very thankful indeed. No child should have to live with nightmares like those. Continue reading “The Realpolitik of Islamism”

The Autogynephilic rats and how they chatter.

autogynephilic rats

Originally posted 2023-10-28 15:11:11.

In recent days I have come under attack from Autogynephiles again. The fact that they chose to wait until I was weakened by the tragic death of Sam, whom I loved and had supported for six years, should tell you about these people.

I have to say that in my opinion, nearly all Western Autogynephiles are thoroughly nasty characters. Whether they are invading women’s toilets to jerk off to the sound of them pissing, waving their wangs around in women’s changing rooms, unfairly competing against women in sports, beating the crap out of them in the boxing ring or any of the other activities so redolent of the Western Autogynephilic rats, these people are despicable.

So let’s be clear: no ‘transwoman’ is actually a woman; no such a person can ever give birth. That is not the only definition of ‘woman’ I know but, certainly in the Southeast Asian context, it is definitive. Western Autogynephilic rats are not even transsexual, they are glorified crossdressing male fetishists. A significant number of them are evil predators and I will expose one here, through the communications he had with a younger, self-confessed but non-transvestic (yet) Autogynephilic rat.


books by rod fleming

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The Squatter at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue


Originally posted 2021-08-20 14:47:27.

This week has seen the United States lose all the international credibility and influence it once had. We are right back to the period immediately after the Fall of Saigon, when an incompetent – and unelected — President, Gerald Ford, oversaw the shameful debacle of the US Embassy being evacuated by helicopter.

Only a few years later, the US did it again, this time with another incompetent’s hand on the tiller, Jimmy Carter’s. That got them eight years of a truly great President, Ronald Reagan and four years of Bush the Elder, before the proto-wokos sneaked Clinton in. They managed to wing it through the catastrophic era post-Yugoslavia and even to pretend that, in completely destroying both Iraq and Libya and rendering Syria a war zone, they had served the cause of global peace.

Not this time, though. The corruption and incompetence of the present US Administration can no longer be hidden. It’s a busted flush – if it ever were flush in the first place; he who would cheat an election, after all…

books by rod fleming

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Poaching the River in English!

Originally posted 2013-06-22 15:02:15.

Poaching the River cover
Poaching the River

 Poaching the River is back on the shelves, both physical and virtual, so I have been addressing the next issue.


 Poaching the River was written only partly in English, or at least the Scottish version of it, and all the dialogue is in authentic Mearns Doric. That is my native tongue of course, although I didn’t really know it until I was at school.


 The book was written as a homage to that culture, but it is a sad fact that there are few of us left who understand Doric, or can speak it. Ever since Poaching was first published I have had requests to translate it into English, something I have always resisted, for a number of reasons.

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