The New World Order, the Rats, and modern slavery


Originally posted 2022-09-22 13:14:21.

The conflict between Russia and Ukraine has served the New World Order wonderfully well, don’t you think? Through it, the most despotic, corrupt and incompetent dictators the West has seen in over seventy years, can cast a smokescreen over their manifest treachery. It could hardly have worked out better for the globalists.

FJoe Biden, Manny Mac Macron, Bodger Johnson, wee teacher’s pet Trudy, whatever women – male or female – are running the West and so many more, all look to this crisis to divert attention from what they did. These are people whose crimes against humanity should have them locked up at best and in other days, they might have faced the guillotine or a firing squad. I’m not sure that change was ‘progress’.

It is helpful for politicians to be terrified of the populations they would oppress, don’t you think?

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The Autogynephilic rats and how they chatter.

autogynephilic rats

Originally posted 2023-10-28 15:11:11.

In recent days I have come under attack from Autogynephiles again. The fact that they chose to wait until I was weakened by the tragic death of Sam, whom I loved and had supported for six years, should tell you about these people.

I have to say that in my opinion, nearly all Western Autogynephiles are thoroughly nasty characters. Whether they are invading women’s toilets to jerk off to the sound of them pissing, waving their wangs around in women’s changing rooms, unfairly competing against women in sports, beating the crap out of them in the boxing ring or any of the other activities so redolent of the Western Autogynephilic rats, these people are despicable.

So let’s be clear: no ‘transwoman’ is actually a woman; no such a person can ever give birth. That is not the only definition of ‘woman’ I know but, certainly in the Southeast Asian context, it is definitive. Western Autogynephilic rats are not even transsexual, they are glorified crossdressing male fetishists. A significant number of them are evil predators and I will expose one here, through the communications he had with a younger, self-confessed but non-transvestic (yet) Autogynephilic rat.


books by rod fleming

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The Squatter at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue


Originally posted 2021-08-20 14:47:27.

This week has seen the United States lose all the international credibility and influence it once had. We are right back to the period immediately after the Fall of Saigon, when an incompetent – and unelected — President, Gerald Ford, oversaw the shameful debacle of the US Embassy being evacuated by helicopter.

Only a few years later, the US did it again, this time with another incompetent’s hand on the tiller, Jimmy Carter’s. That got them eight years of a truly great President, Ronald Reagan and four years of Bush the Elder, before the proto-wokos sneaked Clinton in. They managed to wing it through the catastrophic era post-Yugoslavia and even to pretend that, in completely destroying both Iraq and Libya and rendering Syria a war zone, they had served the cause of global peace.

Not this time, though. The corruption and incompetence of the present US Administration can no longer be hidden. It’s a busted flush – if it ever were flush in the first place; he who would cheat an election, after all…

books by rod fleming

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Abortion: the egregious slaughter of the innocent

Originally posted 2020-05-09 01:27:49.

We generally agree, as humans, that human life is sacrosanct. It is one of the greatest cultural condemnations we can deliver, that ‘human life has no value’. Yet abortion does precisely that: it places the value of human life at zero.

According to a report by Worldometer,  a reference website, about 40-50 million abortions are performed worldwide each year, which works out to be about 125,000 abortions every single day. Abortion is the single biggest cause of human death. This figure comes from the WHO. Anyone who is not disgusted by that statistic should be ashamed.

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Russia, Ukraine, and the New World Order


Originally posted 2022-03-08 15:26:04.

Well, now we have it. After twelve days of assault on Ukraine (it’s hardly a war) the Russians have stated their demands – and they are exactly as we expected and have suggested before.

They want the Crimea to be permanently ceded to Russia, the Russian-speaking eastern republics of Donetsk and Luhansk to be independent, recognised by Ukraine and the rewriting of the Ukrainian constitution as a neutral state which could never, thereby, join NATO. That, basically, is it.

books by rod fleming

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Congratulations on our Independence

Originally posted 2020-02-01 02:54:55.

Congratulations to everyone on the event of Britain’s independence, at last, from the monstrosity of the EU. This bureaucratic behemoth attempted to satisfy the never-ending demand of Germany for total control of Europe while building a state system to rival the USSR.

During the time of Britain’s enthralment to the EU, our farming industry was wrecked, our fishing industry decimated, our steel industry wiped out and our motor industry crushed. We were forced to throw our allies and friends in the Commonwealth under the bus, destroying large sections of their industries too.

Wage rates have been suppressed by cheap immigrant labour; we have had to follow literally tbousands of rules that we did not set. The list of calumny perpetrated by this odious gobalist project never ends. And all for what? Some holidays in the sun.

The EU did not preserve peace in Europe; disarming Germany did that. But even before the dust has settled on Brexit, the menace of an EU army – a new Wehrmacht – has resurfaced. How long before it will be used, as the Red Army once was, to whip the awkward into line? The Poles and the Czechs had plenty of ‘education’, Soviet style; how long before they enjoy the same from a supranational, globalist superstate that has such staggering arrogance and lack of self awareness as to fly the flag of the Council of Europe – a human rights organisation – as if it were its own? At least the Soviet Red Flag did not show the blood.

We have much still to do. The separatist movements in Scotland and Wales, given such succour by the EU and its globalist lackeys like Blair and which the EU continues to support, will have to be addressed and dealt with. The staggering incompetence of the incumbent administrations in these regions will help but a delicate touch will be required – delicate and firm. We are one nation, under one flag and one Parliament and that nation is Britain.

Meantime, though, enjoy. Have a few beers, a few laughs, celebrate the moment. Let your hair down, have fun and later, make some bouncing British babies. We won at last. Savour the victory.

Transgressive and Conservative gay: two models

transgressive-conservative gay

Originally posted 2019-01-18 04:57:31.

‘Gay’ is not an orientation or a preference, it is a lifestyle. In fact it is two lifestyles, transgressive and conservative. In the West, from its beginning in the 1950s, it has become strongly transgressive, after the ideals of homosexuals like Harry Hay, one of the founders.


Hay was a card-carrying Communist Party member who finally realised that Communists hated homosexuals even more than mainstream society did; so his solution to destroying the culture he lived in was to organise and use homosexuality as a battering-ram. Naturally, he had learned how to do this from his Communist Party mentors. So right from its inception, the Western transgressive form was completely rooted in Communism and a desire to overthrow the status quo.

This is completely different from the situation outside the West, where gay lifestyles are usually conservative both socially and politically.

books by rod fleming

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Access to sex, contraception, pederasty and rape

Originally posted 2019-01-29 09:24:16.

Women have control over access to sex. At the same time, men invest heavily in the upbringing of their children, something unique amongst the Great Apes and rare in mammals, with only 5% of species exhibiting it. These are the bases of the social contract that has made humans so successful. Life has only one purpose: to ensure its own continuance.

Understanding how this works and the reasons why women control access to sex is relatively simple. Women need to ensure that the maximum number of their children survive to adulthood. This is not the same as the maximum number they could possibly have. A woman, beginning at the menarch, say age 14 and ending at the menopause, say age 45, could potentially have over 30 babies. But this is vanishingly rare, because in such a large family, many would die. Each child who dies is a huge loss to the woman but also to the community around her. Each represents a huge investment in time and resources that cannot easily be replaced. Simple human cultures cannot survive if they do not attend to this. Yet women are permanently receptive and fertile, whenever they are not pregnant. This means they can always get pregnant, if they do not control men’s access to sex. That control is essential to human species survival and we have developed numerous methods to permit it.

books by rod fleming


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Islam and the death of freedom

Israeli soldiers.

Originally posted 2023-10-13 12:09:45.

For several years now I have not been writing much about Islam. Partly this was because my interest was elsewhere. However the recent murderous attacks by Hamas terrorists against Israeli civilians, many of them children and even babies, have forced the issue. None of us can stand by and watch this demonic genocide without protest.

Israel occupied the Gaza Strip and the West Bank after the 1967 War and had maintained control, although it had mistakenly allowed Hamas and Hizbollah to establish Islamic schools within these areas.


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Good European nation? Not Germany


Originally posted 2015-07-14 11:10:27.

Today I am spitting nails. I see that I have been lied to. Germany is not the good European nation it sells itself as. It is the same bullying, totalitarian monster it always has been. (This article was written in 2015; things are a lot worse now, in 2022.)

Today I am furious.

And why? Because I have seen Germany destroy a weaker nation for political ends. I have seen Germany destroy all notion of European solidarity. I have seen Germany reveal its true self — the monstrous bully of Europe that cannot suffer dissent and insists that its orders must be followed, on pain of destruction.

In 1871 Germans failed. In 1914 they failed. In 1939-45 they failed — although defeating them cost 72 million lives and the destruction of Europe, not to mention the horror of the Holocaust.

But in 2015 they have succeeded. They have finally achieved their end. They have crushed a sovereign nation, not with tanks and bombers, but with threats and usury.

books by rod fleming

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