Super-emasculated males, men and female supremacy

Originally posted 2017-01-17 09:40:05.

Over the last few decades, particularly in schools and academia, strong masculine role models have been suppressed in favour of super-emasculated males. This, today, has led to a situation where the majority of academics, outside the hard sciences, engineering and maths, are either women or effeminate super-emasculated males.

When I returned to university in 2010 to complete my Master’s I was shocked to see the extent to which this corrosion had progressed — and that was in Scotland. Not only were a majority of teachers either women or super-emasculated males, the few remaining men were marginalised. There were, literally, no masculine role models. (I became one.)

In other parts of the world, this is a hundred times worse. It is obvious that academia in the US and, increasingly, elsewhere, has been infected by an anti-masculine social cancer which insists that everything male is bad and everything female is not just better, but so much better that maleness itself must be destroyed.

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Opening the closed sex market: Happy Men’s Day


Originally posted 2020-11-19 18:45:17.

The 19th of November being International Men’s Day — which you probably did not know — I thought I’d do a humorous little piece about freedom. Escaping the gynocracy and its would-be closed sex market, that is.

An essential part of the gynocracy’s closed sex market is that women must be the only permissible sex providers. But the fact is that men are not so fussy. In the dark, well, then — one cul is much like another, n’est-ce pas? So why can’t we have a free sex market? Why do women have to control it, especially in cultures where they have effectively given up motherhood?


Women have always tried to make male sex with other males taboo, in order to control men. After all, it would not do if a man refused his wife’s demands because he was getting his knob polished by that cute batang bakla from next door, you know. Women have to maintain power over men somehow. And shaming them for the way they have sex, well, that’s an easy one. It’s the go-to weapon and always has been.

Despite this, across the planet, especially where cis girls are strictly verboten, men pursue sex with other males, who look like girls and can be fucked.

books by rod fleming

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