Fear of Islam is common sense in 2020

Originally posted 2015-01-31 03:17:47.

This article was originally published in 2015. If I thought then that things might be better by now, five years later, I was deluding myself. Today we see an upsurge, again, of Islamist violence and hatred. All of our appeasement has failed; the war intensifies. Fear of Islam is just the common-sense position to take, in 2020.

France and the world have been shocked by a brutal and vicious massacre of journalists at the offices of the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo. This atrocity was perpetrated by Islamists with the specific aim of preventing criticism of their ideology. In the aftermath, unprecedented levels of public outrage and grief were displayed all over France.

Just this week, 44 men of the Philippines Special Action Force were murdered by Islamists in southern Mindanao. The officers had their throats cut. This atrocity was carried out by the Islamist group the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF), which has made a career out of the usual stock-in-trades of the Islamist – murder, kidnapping, torture and extortion. Here too, there has been a massive outpouring of public emotion.

books by rod fleming

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Id, Ego and Superego, pillars of self-ideation


Originally posted 2021-04-18 15:51:34.

Autogynephilia is one of range of conditions caused by an error in the location of the erotic target, also known as an ETLE.

As a result of this ETLE, a conflict of self-ideation occurs, in which the subject progressively begins to identify as the ETLE and not as the original host. While this process is going on, self-ideation, either as host or ETLE is weak and variable. Freud’s concepts of Id, Ego and Superego are useful here.

Instead, therefore of looking at the well-known paraphilic qualities of Autogynephilia, we should look at the nature of self-ideation and how it becomes, in some individuals, vulnerable to this sort of attack.

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Angel: Women in the Philippines

Angel in the Philippines

Originally posted 2022-04-08 11:15:29.

I remember Angel well. I was walking along a backstreet in Cubao on my way to the Baliwag Transport depot. As I approach it I hear the familiar call: ‘Hey Joe!’

Usually I just wave my hand and smile but this time it’s a girl standing in a doorway across the street. She’s pretty, fake blonde, so I cross over. The reaction of teenage Filipinas to an approaching foreigner — even one they have just saluted — is too delicious to miss and, as predicted, the girl collapses into hysterical giggles.


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Philippines Diary: Jeepneys


Originally posted 2015-01-28 14:52:34.

Most people have at least heard about jeepneys, the ubiquitous, colourful and incredibly noisy backbone of the Philippines public transport system. For those who have not, you’ll catch up.

The first jeepneys were in fact modified Willys Jeeps that the Americans left behind. The enterprising pinoys lengthened the chassis and fitted seats. Now they are custom built with stainless steel, all-enclosed bodywork and diesel engines.

Most jeepneys are 20-seaters; 18 in the back and 2 in the front, guv. This makes them unquestionably the friendliest form on transport on the planet, because actually there’s only enough room for 16 in the back and we are talking kitten-hipped pinoys here.

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The Goddess in The Philippines


Originally posted 2014-03-10 13:59:50.

The Goddess is a big deal in the Philippines and goddesses are out in strength there this week. The occasion is the closing rounds of the Universities Athletic Association of the Philippines (UAAP) women’s volleyball tournament, held at Smart Araneta Coliseum in Quezon City. Teams with names like De La Salle Lady Spikers and Ateneo de Manila Lady Eagles, the Tigresses, the Lady Warriors and the Lady Bulldogs battle it out in front of huge, enthusiastic and thoroughly partisan crowds. And these girls aren’t kidding; this is serious stuff.

 The audience is mainly young – but everywhere in the Phils is mainly young. That’s only to be expected in a country where the population has increased by a factor of ten in fifty years. And there are as many men here as women. Filipinos are as passionate about volleyball as Scots are about football.

 This is hard sport, and women are seen as true warriors.

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Paul Brittain: an Autogynephilic transvestite


Originally posted 2023-11-19 16:19:24.

As some of you I am sure, know by now, I have been under attack by Autogynephilic men in the UK for some time. These are real trash, especially given that they chose the death of my beloved Sam as the time to mount this attack.

These basically amount to two people, Paul Brittain (aka Sarah Britain and Lynn Britain) and another, Jackson Stokes, aka Joey Wickham and Jagdeep Jano. Brittain is a former employee of Wolverhampton Council and lives in Wolverhampton. I have the full address. He has an alleged history of grooming, one example of which I will give as it was related to me. He is alleged to have been doing this since the 1990s and would appear to be at best a dubious, if not dangerous, character. He attempted to involve me in his grooming gang, as the ‘resident expert,’ but I was not prepared to go along with it.


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Archaic Humans Discovered in Scotland

Originally posted 2014-02-26 19:41:18.

Scientists all over the world are turning their attention to Scotland in the wake of a shock discovery that ‘archaic’ humans may be alive and well and living there.

The discovery came when one of them was filmed saying that they ‘were not evolved to make political decisions’.

Professor of Anthropology Farquhar Mc Farquharson of the University of Aberdeen explained: ‘All modern humans – Homo sapiens – have evolved highly sophisticated social behaviour including the ability to arrive at complex decisions within a formal political framework. The discovery of a population that lacks this ability, apparently living alongside more developed hominids, is very exciting.’


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Selection and Beauty: sexual selection shaped us


Originally posted 2020-10-23 17:24:08.

There are two forms of Selection involved in Evolution. Both were described by Darwin.1 One is Natural Selection, which is the cumulative effect of the environment on organisms, and the other is Sexual Selection, which is how individual organisms choose their partners. Key to Sexual Selection is attraction: we select partners we find attractive. In humans, this is important, because we have overcome most of the environmental factors that impinge upon us.

While the effects of Sexual Selection are best known in domestic animals, where humans do the selecting, we have shaped ourselves through it, by choosing our sexual partners and at the same time, by making ourselves appealing to our targets.2


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Pursuing the Goddess

Originally posted 2014-01-21 13:02:20.

Since 2002 I have been researching into something that I felt more than anything else. Something was nagging me. At the time I lived, as I do now, in France, and the signs of Goddess-worship were all around me. Cathedrals were full of images of the Goddess, the art replete with them. I could see this but I couldn’t define it, I couldn’t understand what it meant.

When I returned to Scotland I was a very busy man for a long time, building a house and trying to make ends meet from my freelance work, and also my own mother became ill and died, so the research went on hold. But it was always there in the back of my mind, and as I travelled round Scotland, that epicentre of dry Presbyterianism, I saw again and again the unmistakable mark of the Goddess all over the architecture and in the symbolism.

The Goddess was the principal focus of my Masters’ Degree research and even though I came a long way, I didn’t reach the answer I sought. When I came back to France I began to write, but in April of 2012 I had to stop. I was getting too confused.

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Civilisation: A manifesto for its rescue, before it’s too late.


Originally posted 2020-10-19 17:15:20.

In order to rescue civilisation we must act quickly. The following sets out a viable manifesto.

  • Men and women are different.  This is innate, not the product of ‘socialisation’.

  • Men are risk-taking and women are risk-avoidant.

  • This is an evolved adaptation linked to the two-group tribal structure in which women and children are protected by shielding them from risk, while men are expendable. This structure gives rise to ‘female privilege’ in which women are deferred to by men and there is a taboo against violence towards them.

  • It is generally the case that the two-group structure is present in all non-urbanised cultures (ie, those which do not build cities and have a low level of technological development, though they might be extremely sophisticated in other ways).



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