Who We Are 1: the beginning of culture

Originally posted 2020-04-20 16:46:22.

Modern humans first appeared in Africa around 150,000 – 180,000 years ago; one of a closely-related group of hominids that had populated the savannah over the preceding three million years. During that time, our ancestors learned how to talk, how to make fire and cook and how to cooperate in groups. We probably lived in a similar way to earlier hominids, but something extraordinary happened: we developed culture.

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Ice (Part One) science fiction by Rod Fleming


Originally posted 2020-04-12 07:48:27.

I was in the middle of my steering watch when suddenly a blinding streak of white light whizzed at us from over to the right.


I knew what it was, of course, stinger missile, aimed straight at us. Eosha had her eyes glued to the Infra-scopes, as usual, and she saw it coming before I did. I pulled the control stick and turned the anti-grav tank towards the missile, to reduce the target area, and stood on the mag-brakes, bringing the tank to a halt under the shelter of a small hillock of ice and setting it down.

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Autogynephiles’ widows and orphans

widows and orphans

Originally posted 2022-09-16 16:44:50.

What about the families, when grown-ass men suddenly decide that ‘they were always women’.  When a transvestic Autogynephile decides the time has come to ‘crack his egg’ and ‘be a woman’? When he selfishly indulges a paraphilia, a sexual fetish in which he is the object of his own masturbatory fetish?  Effectively, wives and children become widows and orphans, because when the man throws away his last connection to reality, he is dead. A succubus that he bred and gives life to, has taken over his body, literally.

Why are men who do this lauded as ‘brave’ and ‘heroes’? Isn’t it their widows and orphans who are really the brave ones? How does a child deal with being told that ‘Daddy is a Mummy now — so you have two.’ And what about the widows, left crying over the loss of a man they loved, while being forced, every day, to live with his murderer?

No, that child does not have two mummies. She has one mummy and a monster that killed and devoured her father, living in the same house, demanding affection and even love — as if he ever felt any for his widows and orphans — well, while they were still his wife and children anyway.

Just as Cronos devoured his sons, so the succubus, the Autogynephilic artefact, will devour its own host. Painting: Francisco Goya.

This YouTube video discusses the issue of the widows and orphans in detail, please watch it.

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Congratulations on our Independence

Originally posted 2020-02-01 02:54:55.

Congratulations to everyone on the event of Britain’s independence, at last, from the monstrosity of the EU. This bureaucratic behemoth attempted to satisfy the never-ending demand of Germany for total control of Europe while building a state system to rival the USSR.

During the time of Britain’s enthralment to the EU, our farming industry was wrecked, our fishing industry decimated, our steel industry wiped out and our motor industry crushed. We were forced to throw our allies and friends in the Commonwealth under the bus, destroying large sections of their industries too.

Wage rates have been suppressed by cheap immigrant labour; we have had to follow literally tbousands of rules that we did not set. The list of calumny perpetrated by this odious gobalist project never ends. And all for what? Some holidays in the sun.

The EU did not preserve peace in Europe; disarming Germany did that. But even before the dust has settled on Brexit, the menace of an EU army – a new Wehrmacht – has resurfaced. How long before it will be used, as the Red Army once was, to whip the awkward into line? The Poles and the Czechs had plenty of ‘education’, Soviet style; how long before they enjoy the same from a supranational, globalist superstate that has such staggering arrogance and lack of self awareness as to fly the flag of the Council of Europe – a human rights organisation – as if it were its own? At least the Soviet Red Flag did not show the blood.

We have much still to do. The separatist movements in Scotland and Wales, given such succour by the EU and its globalist lackeys like Blair and which the EU continues to support, will have to be addressed and dealt with. The staggering incompetence of the incumbent administrations in these regions will help but a delicate touch will be required – delicate and firm. We are one nation, under one flag and one Parliament and that nation is Britain.

Meantime, though, enjoy. Have a few beers, a few laughs, celebrate the moment. Let your hair down, have fun and later, make some bouncing British babies. We won at last. Savour the victory.

Gender Sex and Sexuality

sex market

Originally posted 2022-03-07 16:39:23.

Perhaps surprisingly, gender seems to still be a mystery to many, so let me try to explain.

First of all, let’s state what gender is not – it is not sex. Sex and gender are not synonymous. We might summarise it by saying ‘gender is what gets us into bed and sex is what we do once we’re there.’


Sex refers to a system of reproduction. In sexually dimorphic species, like us, there are two sexes. One has a system that produces a large, immotile gamete, or sex cell and the other a small, rapidly moving one. The former is called female and the latter male. The small gamete, called a sperm cell, carries an X or a Y chromosome. The larger one is called an ovum and, since these are produced in females, who only have X sex chromosomes, all ova are X. When the sperm and ovum come together, they produce a new individual with either XX (female) or XY (male) chromosomal sex or karotype. Thus, sex is fixed for life and cannot be changed.


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Ma verra first deider

Originally posted 2019-09-26 09:59:36.

I canna hink A wis muckle mair nor fower or five year auld the verra first time A clappit ma een on a deider. Noo ye maun hink yon’s a gey queer-like wey tae open a bookie siccan this een, an hink tae yersel, by, whit’s this lad hinkin aboot? But A says to youse, that gin a bookie’s tae be an honest bookie, an no jist a pile o havers, then we maun set aff on the recht fit, an be honest wi wirsels fae the aff. An sae it is; fan A hink on ma childheid, death aye seems affy close. But this parteecular deider, A’ll hae tae explain mair aboot.



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If you like this writing in genuine Scots from Angus, you’ll just love Poaching the River, available in paperback and as an e-book!

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Travestis and traviesas: in memory of Miriam Rivera

travestis Rod Fleming

Originally posted 2019-08-21 07:24:01.

Earlier this year, one of the travestis best-known in the West, Miriam Rivera was killed in a manner as yet unknown. Miriam was a Mexican traviesa, similar to Brazilian travestis. In order to mark the passing of this beautiful but troubled individual, I am publishing this article about travestis and traviesas.

Who are the Travestis?

Travestis and traviesas are pre-operative or non-operative MtF transwomen; that is to say, they are feminised males who take hormones and have body enhancements, but they retain their male genitalia. They are found across Latin America and also in southern Europe.



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Our culture condemns transsexuals to pederasts

Originally posted 2018-10-25 07:06:11.

The New Gay Man lifestyle is not the sweet, gentle thing you have been told it is. Instead it is based on organised, clandestine pederasty and the ruthless exploitation of boys.

Within it, young boys, the modern erominos, are seduced by older pederasts. When they become older themselves, and so unattractive, they become the erastes to a new generation of erominos in turn. In contrast to the Greek system, however, these individuals are not training boys to be men, but only to be pederasts like themselves.

Young feminine homosexual boys want real heterosexual men, but there is ZERO chance of them getting one, as ‘gay boys’. Absolutely none. So they are thrown to the pederasts of the New Gay Man lifestyle, which has managed to persuade legislators of its innocence.  There is an escape route, though.


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Sam and Rod: How it all began


Originally posted 2023-10-21 15:26:12.

This is the story of Sam and Rod.

I want to update all of you as to what as happened recently. As you may know, Samantha, my long-time partner, my lover and friend, died on the third of October after and illness. Her actual cause of death was severe pulmonary tuberculosis. However this was really a complication of HIV, in which her immune system had been compromised. It was what is commonly known as AIDS.

I was under no illusions. Sam had in fact told me that she was HIV positive in 2017. I was in the airport at Paris Charles de Gaulle with my baggage checked, when she texted me to say she ad just had a test and this was the result. She said that the cause was receiving a tattoo with an unsterilised needle.

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Labour’s moral authority

Originally posted 2016-08-13 13:33:11.

The UK’s official Opposition is the Labour Party, though on present showing you might not guess that. On one hand it has at once been utterly and indefensibly useless at challenging the Government over the EU referendum. On the other, internecine fighting and political blood-letting over its own leadership has gone out of control. These pose serious questions about Labour’s moral authority and its fitness to govern.

First the party’s ruling body, the National Executive Committee, decided to prevent members who had joined within the last six months from voting. This was because the NEC is currently filled with Blairites. They want the elected leader, Jeremy Corbyn, out and think that all the new members are Corbyn supporters. That should speak volumes about how they regard democracy.

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