Originally posted 2020-07-03 13:05:11.
We are currently, in 2020, in a crisis in which young Sexual Inverts, sometimes called gender non-conforming children, sex non-conforming children, pre-transsexual children or just transkids, are under a level of attack not seen since the 1980s. This comes largely from a disparate and thoroughly poisonous group calling themselves ‘gender critical’ or ‘gendercrit activists’.
Gendercrit feminists
This group appeared about ten years ago and is partly comprised of various flavours of radical feminists who believe, erroneously, that gender is a ‘social construct’. If HSTS is what it is claimed to be, then two things logically must follow. One is that Sexual Inversion is a real thing and the second is that gender must be related to sexuality. It cannot be formed by ‘socialisation’ but instead is the innate means by which an individual expresses and communicates his or her sexuality. This destroys the greater part of feminist dogma and so these feminists would like to see HSTS erased. Prominent in their ranks are Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull, aka ‘Posie Parker’, Anne Ruzylo, in the featured picture and Graham Linehan, a television screenwriter. (See HERE)