Something Greater

Originally posted 2013-12-11 23:59:41.

I am part of something greater, in a very real and immediate sense. It’s not so much a question of believing but of accepting the evidence in front of me. I am part of the Earth. The Earth is not just a core of molten iron covered in a crust of rock and water, with an outer gaseous atmosphere, though it is these things. It is a living system, an entity. And I am—we are all—part of that entity.

Consider what you are: you are composed of billions of individual living things called cells.

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War with Islam: ideology, not people

Originally posted 2016-06-19 12:56:56.

Islam is locked in a war with secular democracy and moderate Muslims themselves.

In one week in, June 2016, a Canadian, Robert Hall, had his head hacked from his body in a brutal public murder. Two days later, over 100 people were gunned down in a nightclub in Orlando, Florida; forty-nine died. Two days after that a married couple, both police officers, were stabbed to death in their home outside Paris and their infant child held hostage until the killer was shot by police. All in one week.

The carnage has not slackened. In the five years since this was first written, the slaughter has continued, most recently in the murder of Sir David Amess, a British Parliamentarian, who was stabbed to death by, yes you guessed it, a fanatical Muslim.

There was nothing whatsoever to connect these victims, on the face of it. Nothing. A middle-aged professional, young people in a nightclub, serving police officers, politicians. They died in equally unrelated locations — the Philippines, the USA, France, Britain.

But they are connected all the same: they were all murdered in the name of Islam, the ‘religion of peace’.

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Homosexual ladyboys and transvestites

Originally posted 2023-04-14 18:48:17.

A recurring problem in researching homosexual ladyboys and transvestites in south-east Asia, indeed across Asia, is in understanding the effect of culture. It is quite clear the US-based researchers make little or no allowance for this, even though Blanchard has mentioned the importance of culture.

First we must recognise that the USA is the ‘outlier of an outlier’ and to try to extrapolate findings from there to the rest of the world is an exercise in sheer futility. Humility is not something often found amongst USicans, but in this case the absence is embarrassing.

So let’s describe how things actually are in southeast Asia. This description will be valid, with minor variations, across the region.

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Koran: Read It Yourself


Originally posted 2016-06-10 12:11:09.

The Koran is the base text of Islam, which is today followed by approximately 1.2 billion people.

Most people know about the activities of so-called Islamic extremists, operating in Sub-Saharan Africa, Asia and, most prominently and gaining the most attention, in the Levant conflict zone, principally Syria and Iraq. But how extreme are they? Do they have justification for their behaviour from the Koran, as they repeatedly claim to?


In the week this was first written, new reports arrived of how the Islamic State in the Levant (ISIL, also known as ISIS or Daesh) murdered 19 Yazidi women by burning them to death in steel cages because they refused to become sex slaves. In Pakistan a mother burned her daughter to death for marrying without consent. These are but the tiniest tip of an iceberg of atrocities that never stop.

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Naomi Wu and Autogynephilia in women


Originally posted 2022-11-06 17:20:33.

Naomi Wu is an Internet personality and ‘maker’ who lives in Shenzhen, in Guangzhou in southern China. She built a career around making ‘how-to’ videos and doing technical reviews. Hers is an invented name and it would be fair to categorise her, in part at least, as a performance artist. She is also, self-admittedly, a ‘geek’.

Naomi Wu got into trouble with the relentlessly leftist and deeply unpleasant Twitter mob (before Elon came in) over a row about an interview she did with Vice magazine, a suppurating boil on the backside of the Internet. But that is not our concern here, other than that it raised her profile enough to be noticed outside the ‘geek-world’ she naturally inhabits.


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More germane is her persona. Naomi Wu has never hesitated to flaunt her feminine assets and has always been a walking, talking affirmation of gender. Habitually, in public and on camera she wears outfits that display significant amounts of her and she has, well, spectacular breast implants. She is tall and has long legs, which she is clearly proud of and shows off, wearing the briefest of shorts and tallest of high-heels.

One has to admit that the ensemble is impressive. Although she tends not to wear a lot of make-up, she always wears some and is attentive to her appearance. She describes herself as the ‘Sexy Cyborg’ and is a committed transhumanist, a philosophical position that welcomes the coming together of human biology and innovative technical devices.

By any measure, Naomi Wu is a striking figure, beautiful, articulate and clearly smart. But recently, her fans got a shock: this quintessential Internet tech-babe, all legs, boobs and brain, is lesbian.

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The Fraud called Tailcalled is Carl Dybdahl


Originally posted 2022-11-06 13:33:56.

Today’s first piece is an update to my last, about a Fraud called Tailcalled. I could just update that but a new one will get more coverage. So, ladies and gentlemen, I give you Carl Dybdahl, aka ‘Tailcalled’.

I have now confirmed that ‘Tailcalled’ is in fact a man and that the picture he uses is a fake. He confessed on Twitter that it is actually an AI-generated image. So to all his fans, sorry, this is not your man.

In fact, this is ‘Tailcalled’.


His real name is Carl Dybdahl and he is a software engineer living in Copenhagen. Carl has confirmed this identification by his reaction to my posting certain details.

Carl made the mistake of attacking me personally from behind his false identity, on YouTube. I imagine he might think twice before doing that again. I shall refrain from further comment on the person, though I will on his methodology, in the future.

I shall post another piece about why we have to destroy the internet culture of anonymity.

books by rod fleming

A Fraud called ‘Tailcalled’ — and an offer.


Originally posted 2022-11-03 14:30:49.

‘Tailcalled’ is the name by which a particularly nasty form of internet lowlife goes. He brought himself to my attention again recently, this time by challenging me on Twitter, with his bogus theorising. I ran his ass off my YouTube a couple of years ago for doing the same thing.

The funny thing is, we don’t even know if ‘Tailcalled’ is male or female. Looking at the image he uses of himself, I’d hazard that either he is actually a female with a weird identity fetish or that is not his picture.

Looks more like a woman than a jeep to me.

‘Tailcalled’ likes to make up phoney ‘surveys’ with no credible methodology at all and then pretend that this makes him (her) an authority of the stature of Blanchard, Bailey, Lawrence and others. (Note that I do not include myself; I am merely a reporter.) In fact, ‘Tailcalled’ is not an authority of any kind, but it is clear, since he does have sycophants, that the weak-minded do not realise this.

‘Tailcalled’; purports to be a ‘fan of psychometry’ without, apparently, realising that psychometry, a dubious discipline in any case, depends entirely on the quality and context of both the questions and the samples.

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Trans debate: My position in a vicious debate

trans debate

Originally posted 2021-05-03 18:30:10.

This is an unusual post for me. It is likely that my web presence will have to be significantly modified in the future. I’m afraid Covid-19 has caught up with us and we have lost all our sponsorships and support. This website generates no income and is really a vanity. So things will have to change and it is likely that I shall use other media more in the future.

However, before beginning these changes, I want to make a few things quite clear, regarding the ‘trans debate’, if something so vicious can be called a debate.

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Congenital Sexual Inversion and Gender Dysphoria

Originally posted 2021-10-16 08:52:53.

True or homosexual transsexualism, which is usually known as HSTS, is the product of Congenital Sexual Inversion. In this, the individual experiences anomalies in testosterone delivery while still developing in his or her mother’s womb. In girls, too much will cause masculinisation but in boys, too little will cause feminisation. The effects may be observed in children as young as thirty months of age.

The effects of  Congenital Sexual Inversion depend on the severity of the anomaly and the point in foetal development at which it occurred. For example, in boys, the genitalia develop before the brain structures related to sexuality and gender do. So a boy can be born with normal genitalia and, potentially, a sexuality that is so feminised as to be completely female.

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