A Kiss For Christmas: A John Macmaster Novel

A Kiss For Christmas

Originally posted 2021-03-17 17:33:03.

Christmas 1981: Europe is in turmoil, the Human League is top of the charts, it’s pissing stair-rods in Paris and Johnny Macmaster has just got back from Damascus with a load of smuggled blood diamonds he wants rid of fast.

The first book I completed, which nearly got lost but hey that’s another story.

Don’t you want me baby? Don’t you want me ohhh

Harry, the most notorious fence in Paris, offers Macmaster a special surprise: Hermann Goering’s gold-plated 9mm Luger, along with his Blue Max and a wad of cash. Johnny accepts the deal and goes back to the bar to pay his tab. He gets another surprise: a round from a suppressed Ruger .22. That’s when his world explodes. Calling on his ex-lover Irene, Johnny goes back to work. The plot line criss-crosses Paris to a spectacular climax.

This book contains scenes of violence and sex. Plenty of them.


  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ Plashmill Press (November 15, 2016)
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • Paperback ‏ : ‎ 210 pages
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0956500773
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0956500779

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Binibaes, trans idols of the Philippines.

binbaes of pasay

Originally posted 2022-06-06 16:10:01.

How the bini boys became ladyboys: until the 1970s, Manila and other cities in the Philippines were famous for the ‘binibaes’, sometimes called ‘bini boys’.[1]

Binibaes were young males aged from about twelve up, sometimes a little younger, who came to the city to work and seduce men. They dressed and lived as women, but most did not take hormones.

The bini boys dress as girls…The…acceptance of bini boys is revealed in popular comic strips, T.V. series, motion pictures and plays in which they appear as characters, usually in a vein of good-natured humor. As an example: in a Philippine series similar to Batman, the Philippine hero is continually obliged to pull his Robin away from attempted amorous passes at other males.

Few of the bini boys engaged in any sexual relations among themselves although many considered themselves homosexual. In (sexual relationships), the majority preferred passive anal relations but all were equally willing to perform fellatio. The custom…is to seek to prolong sexual relationships. [2]



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Access to sex, contraception, pederasty and rape

Originally posted 2019-01-29 09:24:16.

Women have control over access to sex. At the same time, men invest heavily in the upbringing of their children, something unique amongst the Great Apes and rare in mammals, with only 5% of species exhibiting it. These are the bases of the social contract that has made humans so successful. Life has only one purpose: to ensure its own continuance.

Understanding how this works and the reasons why women control access to sex is relatively simple. Women need to ensure that the maximum number of their children survive to adulthood. This is not the same as the maximum number they could possibly have. A woman, beginning at the menarch, say age 14 and ending at the menopause, say age 45, could potentially have over 30 babies. But this is vanishingly rare, because in such a large family, many would die. Each child who dies is a huge loss to the woman but also to the community around her. Each represents a huge investment in time and resources that cannot easily be replaced. Simple human cultures cannot survive if they do not attend to this. Yet women are permanently receptive and fertile, whenever they are not pregnant. This means they can always get pregnant, if they do not control men’s access to sex. That control is essential to human species survival and we have developed numerous methods to permit it.

books by rod fleming


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Narcissistic Homosexual vs Autogynephilia

narcissistic homosexual

Originally posted 2019-01-09 06:20:54.

Are Narcissistic Homosexuality in males and Autogynephilia linked? I argue that they are.

Many have tried to negate the relationship between gender-dysphoric transition desire, and homosexuality. In one category, of course, this is futile. Homosexual Transsexuals (or true Transsexuals) are born with an innate condition called Sexual Inversion, which is the result of hormone-delivery anomalies in utero. This, being a biological effect, displays variation in intensity. So an aetiology is formed, with Transgender Homosexuals (feminine male and masculine female) at one end, and full Transsexuals (MtF and FtM) at the other. The precise point at which an individual sits depends on many factors; but they are on a relational scale of expressions of the same underlying phenomenon: innate Sexual Inversion. These individuals have normal levels of narcissism, in line with natal men and women.

books by rod fleming

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Hairy is not an option: attraction and revulsion


Originally posted 2019-01-06 07:22:45.

Women should not be hairy. Not if they want to attract men, anyway. I mean feminists have fuck all chance of attracting a man anyway, so for them, who cares? But for all other women, being hairy is a real no-no; well, it is if they want a man.


I’ll admit to being averse to hairy. I find it very offputting. Once, years ago, I was dating — in between relationships, having as much fun as possible; and believe me when I tell you, a single man can have a lot of fun in Manila — when I was approached by a femboy. A short-hair bakla, that is. He suggested meeting for coffee at a place near my condo so I couldn’t refuse. Jeff, he was called.

books by rod fleming

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Not having sex kills men: so get some in 2019

Originally posted 2019-01-03 11:47:09.

It’s well known that women live longer, on average, than men do. Partly, of course, this is due to the fact that men tend to have more dangerous jobs, in our modern world.

That was not always the case: until little more than a hundred years ago, men’s life expectancy was relatively much longer, because of the high levels of death in childbirth. But most men don’t die in mining accidents or in wars. So what actually kills men? Could it be that not having sex is what kills them?

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AGP desistance is harming HSTS


Originally posted 2018-12-28 09:57:08.

Desistance is the buzz word these days. Everybody’s doing it. They think they’re trans, they get the surgeries and then a few years later, woops we made a foopie. And then they have to get it all put back. One recent YouTube video was from a transman — thirteen different surgeries, no end of complications and some remedies that would make your eyes water –and then, 12 years later, desistance time. So, transsexual surgery, aka Genital Reconstruction Surgery or GRS, must be a waste of time, no? I mean if desistance is what happens?

[videopress OQevBYkX]

But this is a falsehood. I explain in depth in the video, but the fact is that the overwhelming demand for desistance comes from non-homosexual transitioners, that is, autogynephilic males and autoandrophilic females.

books by rod fleming

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Homosexual Types: Transgender, Narcissistic, Pederastic


Originally posted 2018-12-24 10:15:44.

There are three types of gay men that can be identified relatively easily. There may be some overlap or admixture of types in specific individuals, but I believe that we can better understand male homosexuality through this Typology. These, together, constitute the New Gay Man, the modern homosexual male collective in the Anglo-Saxon West.

books by rod fleming

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Originally posted 2015-10-02 12:57:37.

I grew up lucky, though I didn’t fully realise how much, then. In my home there were microscopes and telescopes and, perhaps more importantly, too many science books to count.

My father, though he was an engineer, was fascinated by science and subscribed to the weekly science magazines that were available in the 1960s. Through them I learned about Darwin and the voyage of the Beagle; about basic psychology and anthropology; about physics and space.

This was the era of the Space Race; terms like ‘escape velocity’, ‘orbit’,  ‘action-reaction’ and ‘solar system’ were everyday language amongst primary schoolchildren.

books by rod fleming

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Feminism: Terminator required; apply within

beginning of gender

Originally posted 2018-12-18 09:39:57.

Today is not the first time that feminism has threatened to destroy civilisation. It’s very interesting to note, if you study the mythologies of the ancient Levant on which Christianity is based, how the Goddess,  symbolic of women, became identified with Satan.

The serpent and the dragon (just a bigger version) were always creatures of the Goddess. The day aspect of the Goddess in Sumerian mythology was called Inanna (later Ishtar) whose uncle, Enki, was her closest ally. Enki frequently appeared as a snake. Feminism is just the modern version of an ancient evil.

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