Gendarmes, Police and Faulty Speedos

Originally posted 2013-07-08 20:55:47.

gendarme photo
The kind of road the Gendarmes like to catch speeders on. Pic: Rod Fleming

 My friend Antoine the potter had a little incident with the Gendarmes from Bligny not long ago. Now before I begin this tale, I feel I should put to rest a belief that has become, apparently (according to my children,) current in the UK in the last few years.

This is that the Gendarmes in France are not real police. Well, they are, and this is a classic bit of Anglo-Saxon, er, confusion. I believe it has even been aired on that odious arch-slimeball Stephen Fry’s television show; not that that would make it any more the truth.

 So let me explain. Continue reading “Gendarmes, Police and Faulty Speedos”

Women: Adults of feminine gender.

anju thongsamay

Originally posted 2021-04-09 18:39:42.

I’ve been running a feature on my You Tube Community page called Women: Adults of feminine gender.. Which is of course true but the twist is that all the women I feature have XY chromosomes. I thought I’d feature some of them here since not everyone goes on my YT channel (the link is above in the menu bar.)

I defy anyone to look at these beautiful women and say that they are anything else. They’re women. They look like women, they act like women. And they are more beautiful and more feminine, with a better attitude than most Western women today. It’s nice to know that there are still real women out there, those who love men and know that they are intrinsically different from them.

This series was prompted by the rise of Treans-Exclusionary Feminist (TERF)/Gender Critical (GC) intolerance and bigotry in the UK. I’d like to know how anyone could possibly be better off living as a fucked-up, miserable gay, suffering emotional, sexual and physical abuse, when they could be happy, fulfilled women like those I’ll feature here. Someone out there is lying and it ain’t me.

The Youtube Page is dormant because I have had too many other things to attend to, but I will keep this one going, so bookmark the Category and the site. My focus is moving away from explaining the science of transgender, which I have covered in depth, to appreciating the beauty and grace of these amazing women. Most of the women I’ll feature will be from Asia but I will include girls from South America and southern Europe, where there are many.

As ever, if anyone who has a personal claim on the pictures I use wants me to remove them, I will do. Please contact me via email at or via the Contact Form at the bottom of the page.

Remember, women are adults of feminine gender.


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Does homosexuality exist?

Originally posted 2020-10-07 15:41:04.

Does homosexuality exist, other than as a collection of sexual practices? How can it be seen as a separate sexuality at all? After all, sexuality admits only two roles, the male, or active, and the female or passive. In inter-male sex particularly, one party must play the female and the other the male role. This is axiomatic. So for the duration of the sexual encounter they are adopting conventional sex roles. Yes folks, one of them has to be a girl. On the other hand homosexuality, as understood today, implies attraction.  Are there really big strong masculine men out there who are attracted to other big strong masculine men? And if so, what happens to the recipient, when he is anally seduced? Can he remain a man? Impossible. He is performing female sexuality and so must himself be female. Which ever way you crack it, this egg devolves to the conventional sex roles of inserter and insertee.

I was set off down this line of thought by a recent throw-away comment by JK Rowling, the author, who said that ‘If there is no sex, then there is no same-sex attraction.’ Well, I ask again,  is there any such thing at all? And why should we get so exercised about it? The fact is that the currently dominant Western model, the New Gay Man, simply did not exist until around 1970 and still is restricted to the Anglo-Saxon West. Why is what might well be a passing phase — especially given that there are thousands, probably tens of thousands of years of historical record describing other forms of inter-male sex —  so revered? Why is ‘gay’ on a pedestal, untouchable and apparently above criticism?


Continue reading “Does homosexuality exist?”

Slugs and Snails and Tomato Plants?

Originally posted 2013-07-01 00:40:18.


tomato photo
My surviving tomato plant

Tomato Plants on the agenda again

Tomato plants? Well, spring in France this year was the worst I can remember, and so far summer has not been much better. By this time I should be on first-name terms with the community of lizards that live in my courtyard, but this year, hardly a hello. They’re all still hiding.


Mind you, it’s not been so bad for all the critters in the yard. My pet hate, les limaces, our delightful Burgundian slugs, are positively thriving. I mean, these ones are not shy, they don’t even try to hide, and they’re bright orange anyway. Maybe it’s a warning that they taste disgusting. I’ll let someone else find out. What I do know is they like my tomato plants. Continue reading “Slugs and Snails and Tomato Plants?”

The New World Order, the Rats, and modern slavery


Originally posted 2022-09-22 13:14:21.

The conflict between Russia and Ukraine has served the New World Order wonderfully well, don’t you think? Through it, the most despotic, corrupt and incompetent dictators the West has seen in over seventy years, can cast a smokescreen over their manifest treachery. It could hardly have worked out better for the globalists.

FJoe Biden, Manny Mac Macron, Bodger Johnson, wee teacher’s pet Trudy, whatever women – male or female – are running the West and so many more, all look to this crisis to divert attention from what they did. These are people whose crimes against humanity should have them locked up at best and in other days, they might have faced the guillotine or a firing squad. I’m not sure that change was ‘progress’.

It is helpful for politicians to be terrified of the populations they would oppress, don’t you think?

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The Realpolitik of Islamism

Originally posted 2013-06-30 21:26:45.


Realpolitik: the Battle of Vienna

It is now over twenty years since the fall of the Berlin Wall; for many young people, the Cold War, of which it was the most compelling symbol, is no more than a history lesson. In my desk here I have a small piece of concrete, with paint on, which was recovered from that wall and sold as a tourist trinket. It is perhaps the most telling one I have.

Our children do not, as those of my generation did, live in daily fear of being blown to pieces by atomic bombs or dying an agonising death from radiation sickness. They do not walk into their schools to find posters saying “Better Dead Than Red” on the walls, nor do they crowd around flickering television sets alongside their anguished parents, watching as Kennedy drew his line in the ocean, and curled his finger around the trigger of nuclear Armageddon. And for this we should all be very, very thankful indeed. No child should have to live with nightmares like those. Continue reading “The Realpolitik of Islamism”

Palawan, Philippines, 2012

Crissy at Palawan, Philippines 2012

Originally posted 2013-06-28 23:08:00.

Palawan is an island in the west of the Mimaropa Admistrative region of the Philippines. The Phils is divided colloquially into three regions, Luzon in the north, Visayas in the centre and Mindanao in the south. Palawan is on the far west of Visayas.

It forms the northern boundary of the Sulu Sea and is only some 70 kilometres from Malaysia at its southern extremity. It is served by two airports, the larger being at Puerto Princesa, the main town on the island.

I had come to the Philippines because I had met, on-line, a transpinay called Crissy José and I wanted to meet her in real. At the time I was still recovering from the end of my marriage and a brief and failed affair with a women close to my age. (Which was an unmitigated disaster.) I’d been chatting to a couple of women but here was a click with Crissy that I didn’t get with the others. So I booked my ticket.

Spring and summer of 2012 I had passed sailing my yacht Misty around the coast of Scotland. She was sold in September and I wanted something I hadn’t had in a long time — a good chillout holiday and plenty of sex. Well, the Philippines trip got me one of those.

That first visit to the Phils was only three weeks — back then you only got 21 days on the automatic tourist visa. I had made my base at the Oasis Paco Park hotel in Ermita, Manila, and Palawan was the second exploration trip. The first was to Boracay, which I write about here.

(As an aside, I again highly recommend the Oasis Paco Park. It’s reasonably priced, clean and the staff are super-friendly. It also has a really good, if a tad pricey, Italian restaurant.)

We had booked our tickets for the Palawan tour through TravelTeam, and found ourselves on a Zest Airlines flight out of NAIA at 0700.

Palawan Gallery

Bakla to Kabaklaan: the way of beauty


Originally posted 2021-09-30 07:42:37.

Transwomen in the Philippines are classified locally as ‘gay’. The specific word used might be ‘bakla’, ‘beki’, ‘bayot’, ‘bading’ or any one of several others, depending on location and dialect.

Here, ‘gay’ does not mean what it does in the West. It means you are male but not a man; that you have ‘green blood’. You are an unmasculine male. In Luzon, the most popular local term is ‘bakla’. Their lifestyle is called ‘kabaklaan’.

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A bakla starts on the life of kabaklaan when she is young, perhaps five or six. This type is called the ‘batang bakla’. Girls who ‘come out’ in later adolescence are known as ‘late bloomers’.

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How to make love to (more) ladyboys.

Originally posted 2022-03-25 08:21:53.

Here’s an awesome new video following up on the theme ‘How to make love to ladyboys’.

Making love with a pre-op ladyboy, or any other intact trans woman, requires the use of the rear entrance. This is delightful, to put it mildly, for the man penetrating it, but there are some complications and some precautions that should be taken with ladyboys.

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