AGP desistance is harming HSTS

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Originally posted 2018-12-28 09:57:08.

Desistance is the buzz word these days. Everybody’s doing it. They think they’re trans, they get the surgeries and then a few years later, woops we made a foopie. And then they have to get it all put back. One recent YouTube video was from a transman — thirteen different surgeries, no end of complications and some remedies that would make your eyes water –and then, 12 years later, desistance time. So, transsexual surgery, aka Genital Reconstruction Surgery or GRS, must be a waste of time, no? I mean if desistance is what happens?

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But this is a falsehood. I explain in depth in the video, but the fact is that the overwhelming demand for desistance comes from non-homosexual transitioners, that is, autogynephilic males and autoandrophilic females.

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Sexual Inversion

The demand for desistance is NOT coming from genuine transsexuals, otherwise known as HSTS. These are sexual inverts for whom full transition is the logical and proper conclusion. It is fully indicated for them, since Sexual Inversion, as far as we know, is effectively a form of intersex resulting from improper testosterone delivery in the womb. Give a boy too little and he’ll be feminised, give a girl too much and she’ll be masculinised. In the more severely affected cases, full transition is indicated and desistance is simply not a problem.

Once again, though, transactivists harm true transsexuals (HSTS) by insisting that they are fundamentally the same as AGP/AAP non-homosexual types, which they are not. This is making professionals less keen to perform necessary surgeries in case there is a later desistance issue. They fear being sued for improper surgeries and lack of due care. But if they were to understand that homosexual transsexuals and non-homosexual transitioners were completely different phenomena, therapy decisions would be much easier, with far less risk of desistance.

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HSTS are disproportionally harmed because of this since, especially for males, they need to transition young, before adult testosterone ruins their chances of passing as women.

It is rarely, if ever, advisable for non-homosexual transitioners to be approved for GRS. The risk of desistance is too high. For true transsexuals, HSTS, however, GRS can literally be a life-saver that may allow them to lead completely normal lives in the gender that their inverted sexuality demands.

Non-homosexual transitioners suffer from a narcissistic mental condition that leads them to become attached to the idea of themselves as members of the opposite sex. In males this is called autogynephilia and in females autoandrophilia. These are highly complicated and multi-faceted conditions; we know a great deal about the former and almost none about the latter, because it was not recognised in the literature until recently.

books by rod fleming

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